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Everything posted by DS

  1. I can't access the video and I'm not sure why, could you clarify this please?
  2. Cheers yeah that makes sense.
  3. What I don't understand is why they can't fly planes below the ash cloud? If its at 18,000ft (as I'm sure it was said on the news) then why can't planes descend to around say 16,000ft before they get into the ash cloud area? I'm assuming there is a reason why they can't but I'd love it if someone could explain it in some sort of laymans terms. My only guess is that below the cloud the air pressure is much higher meaning fuel costs are greater or something?
  4. Correct. Best outcome today is a Spurs win with lots of red cards and injuries for both (as I don't want that twitching **** to have qualified for CL) topped off with a myocardial infarction for redbudgie bought on by the excitement of winning.
  5. The descended larynx is not uniquely human and is probably a by-product of evolutionary adaptations for sexual competition and selection rather than being developed specifically for speech.
  6. I'm loathe to pay £40 for something that is constantly berated on the forum for being quiet/ cutting out.
  7. If anyone could find one it would be much appreciated!
  8. 390!? I think I just had a lolgasm. What a pathetic bunch they are. Still at least they 390 got to see their favourite scoreline.
  9. I think the controller at Radio 1 lost a bet with the producers of the mid-morning show that they couldn't find anyone more irritating than Jo Whiley. Also, Ludwig; Buzz off
  10. Ahh, pointless speculation about events that happened long ago. You may aswell have stated if Archduke Franz Ferdinand hadn't been assassinated on 28 June 1914 World War I wouldn't have started. It has about as much relevance to some bloke getting asked directions by Branfoot as your moaning.
  11. She puts it about, she's all over Brighton with the same posters (except they say 'see you in Brighton'). Personally, whilst I probably would, I find her massively irritating so I would insist on silence throughout the seeing to.
  12. I'm shocked and appalled at all those voting for increased capacity ahead of the original Ted Bates statue.
  13. Storrie is a total budgie. In a totally off topic point; perish the thought that anyone implicated in the illegal sale of landmines to Angola to gain indirect control of an EPL club. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/british-expert-is-killed-training-angolans-to-defuse-landmines-1169473.html You would think that the CEO of any club that did that would hang their head in shame.
  14. If he was stranded on desert Isand populated by attractive young women and his supply of condoms had been lost when the ship he was on sunk- would he still mate with them despite the incresed risk of contracting STI's?
  15. Lol at this quote in the 606 debate box in this article: http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/p/portsmouth/8555595.stm Do you want to tell him or should I?
  16. I think quite a few Brighton and Gillingham fans would disagree with you about the size of the Skates' cachement area tbf.
  17. Sincerely praying All those cod bothering, Insolvent, money laundering, Nobjockeys down the road Take a hike. Sort it out God, amen.
  18. I think you mean the Peter's map: http://analepsis.files.wordpress.com/2009/09/petersprojection-over.gif http://www.petersmap.com/
  19. Half time Lol Highlights of the court case: Lol #1: Taxman indicates that it costs approx 7 million per month to run Partsmurf, as they will need 7 million to get to end of March and another 14 million to get to end of season. Lol #2: Storrie Teller tells the nice men at Vantis a Storrie about the playing squad being worth £38,000,000. Big bad Mr Taxman doesn't believe it. Lol #3: HMRC confirm what some here have speculated for a while: there could be issues with the legitimacy of Chainrai's 'charge' Lol #4: HMRC don't believe the Storries about PCFC owing Portpin 13.5 million Lol #5: Agent Robins grassing on all the crooks at Nottarf- gave HMRC evidence that Portpin lent money to Falcondrome not HMRC (again, as speculated by GM on here). Lol #6: HMRC wants to see Fuglers accounts as millions went to Chainrai in February from these accounts! Lol #7: HMRC, after providing clear indications that they believe the charge is invalid, want a hearing on March 8th to determine validity of charge. If not valid they want WUP heard. Half time analysis before they start their defence: Pompey are toast. To steal a phrase from Smirking Saint: COYHMRC :-D
  20. Storrie teller has bottled it :-(
  21. Don't worry, Android has now arrived. He's facing a strong HMRC lineup today, I don't fancy his chances.
  22. Jesus christ I am having a total 'mare trying to stay on top of this beast. Its not easy juggling work, a degree and this thread ffs. I was well up there but after the past three days I have dropped a good 10 pages behind and am considering skipping 7 or so pages to try and keep up to date.
  23. Do you mind if I distribute it on Facebook & among my Skate mates?
  24. What have the Blue Square Premier League done that makes you feel they deserve the punishment of having that shower in their league?
  25. In my line of work we see alot of people who have got themselves into dire financial straits by living beyond their means. This bunch of clueless chancers at Poopey are making some of them look like sound financial investors.
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