200 -
Everything posted by DS
The man is an absolute legend and an inspiration. I went and cycled alongside him for 5 minutes yesterday as he ran along Bristol harbourside. I left him and another saints fan took over. His team said it meant alot have people turn up and support him. Even 20 miles into the marathon on his 3rd Ironman in a row he was a total gentleman; took time to shake my hand and put up with my sh*t chat for 5 minutes as he ran along. If you are near his route then please go down and give him some encouragement; he thoroughly deserves it.
Drat. I was hoping the draw with Everton would ensure Brenda would last til we play Liverpool later this month so we could finish him off.
It could have been any. I imagine they're all quite distressing.
Perhaps they accidentally published the accounts?
Are Villa playing the bestest 13 times between now and the end of the season!? http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/31393727
Alleged statement from dear 'Arry "It's no coincidence at all that QPR didn't bring anyone in before the transfer deadline, oh no guv f'sure 100% me dodgy knee just came on last night didn't it!? Don't talk to me about whether the knee would have lasted a bit longer with a few brown envelopes to insulate it cos I ain't a farkin' wheeler dealer dodgy geezer oh no not me. Scuse me guv before I go could you just help me with this phone, I've got to text my dog about a banking transaction but poor honest knock kneed 'Arry doesn't know how to use it."
I think they can come with one. Their soundcloud (http://thefuntimeyesband.co.uk/#music) has versions of songs of theirs with and without brass. Sorry I can't give you too much more info as I've not actually seen them live- I know of the band as the drummer is a friend of mine but I've moved away from Brighton (where he is based) so haven't seen him enough in the last year to talk about work stuff! I can tell you he is a very nice man and he doesn't usually get involved in bad projects so am confident his band will be great fun for your wedding.
The Fun Time Yes Band sound like what you are looking for. http://thefuntimeyesband.co.uk/#about
It isn't instant; transmission back takes about 24 minutes. I believe the signals are sent on radio waves. Radio waves are a type of electromagnetic wave. Electromagnetic waves travel at the speed of light in a vacuum (i.e. in space). If you wanted to send a radio wave to the Sun it would take about 8 minutes. Because the comet's distance from Earth is currently almost three times the distance from the Sun to the Earth it means signals the take around 3*8 minutes to get from the comet to here. The whole thing mission is incredible and mind boggling really. It really is an amazing achievement. Lots of good info (and pics) here for those interested: http://blogs.esa.int/rosetta/ Also some good info on the comet's position here: http://www.livecometdata.com/comets/67p-churyumov-gerasimenko/
Happy birth year thread to me. Thanks regular posters for the countless lols. And thanks to our fishy friends for being the best-est most passionate-est collection of ignorant, gullible, self hype believing, tax dodging morons in the whole of football. I truly am jealous of them.
Christ, has Simon Carter been taking lessons in journalism from Factless Allen at the News?
Surely there must be some mistake? There is only one biggest-est and bestest-est fan owned club around isn't there? Claims that "Exeter are one of the most important stories in the history of football fan-ownership" must be lies? http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/24458891
I'd be interested to see what Time to change make of that stipulation. http://www.time-to-change.org.uk/
I've got 5 pages to read since I last logged in yesterday. I am assuming it will be 5 pages of mega lols. I'd like to add to this: hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
The suspense is killing me. Will P*mpey be the second controversial old dinosaur to pop her clogs this week?
Never again will I wonder what happens if you cross Hitler's moustache with Des Lynam's moustache.
Give him a break. It's easy to get 'less' and 'more' mixed up. Same with 'small' and 'chubby'.
Time for an open topped bus parade in Skatesville. They've just gone an entire half of football without being behind.
They really are the bestest. The bestest rivals anyone could ever wish for.
Fackin Scummahs can't even censor caaaaant properly. Cants.
If this is future pompey does that mean someone is going to install a shower at Nottarf Krap? This bloke looks like he's had at least one wash in the last six months. And there isn't a bugle in sight.
Fair play to this bloke: http://uk.eurosport.yahoo.com/blogs/world-of-sport/udinese-cheered-serie-match-precisely-one-fan-152055117.html
Not using Pompey Maths , because the Blackburn £3m represents 100p in the £ so a grand total of £3m. The PST 2m represents 2p in the £ of 20p in the £ or approximately 50m. Given this, Pompey = approx 83% more bestest.
Do you get commission from keyboard manufacturers, Rallyboy? You've nearly chalked up another one with that.