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Mr X

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  1. Where have we heard that before.... Oh yes four four times under SR
  2. When's my pay day again?
  3. Herein lies the problem pretty much all of our 4 disastrous managers employed under SR (selles Jones Martin juric) are known for being tied to one particular system and a lack of flexibility that said the current group of players really are piss poor both mentally and physically! It's been a disaster of a season and if SR can't find the right manager fit for saints it will only get worse!
  4. No he doesn't deserve to have the misery of playing for us!
  5. I literally would be happy to never see Amy of these players again and have a completely new team for the championship! I think it's what we need
  6. ABK is awful... Rusty I guess
  7. Everyone knows we are relegated and just playing for pride but we can't even manage that!
  8. Noone thought their would be a team worse than the 2007/8 derby team...... Take a bow saints!
  9. One goal will be enough for them they can relax now like we do
  10. He was always naive and a bad decision maker but had great potential if he could sort the attitude and commitment
  11. Only a matter of time before our floodgates open 😂
  12. Not sure I wanna see aribo in the championship mind you he's one of many
  13. Do you want to see us in the championship under juric? Or think there's better options? We would be a hard sell to any manager of quality
  14. I honestly thought juric was showing a few signs of improving us for a while but it's regressed lately and we are conceding just as many goals as under Martin, he is on a hiding to nothing as the players know there's nothing to play for as relegation is already a certainty and their heads are already in the beach! you'd think they would want to play for a move or to beat derbys unwanted record though!
  15. With our relegation all but confirmed all I wanna see is some decent effort in the vain hope that some how we can muster up three more Points... No idea where those points are going to come from as we don't look likely to even draw against any side let alone win!.... It will be more misery for saints fans today but let's at least make a game of it and not go to pieces!
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