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end of an era2

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Everything posted by end of an era2

  1. oh yeah forgot that, seems that everyone has to pay extra or get a ST then, apart from the U8s that is, now if they made U8s pay £3 and scrapped the pay on the day fees and the booking tax I could see that being fairer all round. How many people take under 8s anyway?
  2. but with a capacity of 31000 odd and an average home attendance of about 22K does any non season ticket holder need to book in advance for home games anyway? Turn up, pay your £22 and yer in.Can't understand this overiding need to have the precious sesame in your possession 3 weeks in advance.
  3. Maybe it's us who should be worrying about Lallana not being here eh!! Cetain players will not be worried about replacements coming in,if AP messes them about they'll just ask to leave.
  4. Someone put up a link to a Zebra plan the other day,perhaps it was for Bristol City or someoene like that, the cost to the fan in that case was about £20 for a 380£ ticket paid over 6 months with some sort of deposit direct to the club concerned,the APR was about 18/19%..
  5. Pardon me for p*ssing on your parade but I doubt that he will actually be responsable for very much. It's a PR job more than anything else, in my opinion of course. Only a madman would let MLT actually run the show. Give advice yes,call all the shots? certainly not, not for me anyway.
  6. so we're being bought out by Mother Kelly,is that right?Or is it someone else who lives down Paradise Row.
  7. Depends who gets to manage Watford now that Rogers has gone to Reading doesn't it.They said they couldn't afford his wage demands so who knows.
  8. Tony Funnell went to MLS I think,same time as Tom Jenkins. Tom was a bit of a lad, perhaps Funnell was as well, Lawrie may not have had much time for their lifestyle in the First Division.However Tony is still knocking about,think he did an ex-Saints gig at Reading a couple of years back.
  9. Perhaps because if it doesn't go as planned he won't get 30 million texts,mail and phone calls at his home in the middle of the night. There's a lot more to be done yet, thought I saw the word "delisting" in the letter from Lynam yesterday. That means what exactly? that SLH PLC will be resussictated ans "shareholders" will get bought out (for nothing!!) so that they will vote for delisting? A long way to go and some potential pitfalls if they're going down that road. ;
  10. Utter ballax from Stanley but what do you expect? A word of advice Stanley, best as wait until Mr X has actually anteed up the money before exposing to the whole world exactly what Saint's Fans are prepared to do to remove someone they don't rate. As far as I know the deal hasn't gone down yet and could still end abruptly leaving us in the brown. So cool it .
  11. I think you're a long way off base if you think you'll get a renewal for £200.Unless of course it's a concessionary price. Will be more like 340 renewals and £380 newbies.IMH of course.
  12. Personally in I'm chuffed to nuts because the ASM beat Toulouse in the semis, the ASAP or the SF will be a mere formality, the Bouclier de Brennus will be ours after long years of waiting.
  13. And with a coach/manager who's supposed to be in prison as well. They'd witch hunt him down in the UK and burn him at the stake. I'll give coach Courbis a call tomorrow, sadly he won't be at MHFC next season unless LouLou ups the stakes. Still Girard should be competent enough.
  14. I predict that there will not be a lot of cash splashing on transfer fees. Players will be sold and replaced by free or low cost transfers.Took them a long time to decide to punt a 'non-returnable deposit' free spending will probably not be an item.Good management is what we will need.Our income next season will be **** poor,even if we get home gates of 24K at 20 quid a throw it will hardly cover our costs, broadcasting income will be negligable. I'm hoping we will sign players (for free) who can do the job in hand that's all.
  15. Where did we get the money to pay for the sand and the diesel in the tractor from though.Did Leon lend it to us.
  16. We would have got more from a compensation tribunal though,true we'd have had to have offered him a contract anyway but compared to the 650K we got for Best,400K isn't a whole lot.Plus I guess we actually paid him before he moved to Sheffield on loan so the best solution would appear to have been offer him an unacceptable contract last summer and let him wander off to another club then and take the compensation fee. Might have saved us from administration, I think I advocated that way last summer.
  17. I'd think they'd be the self same pair of tossers that they were in the CCC on less money and therefore even less motivated. I just don't understand why we're talking about these 2 blokes. they day their contracts run out should be in letters of fire with hallelujah written under it on the SFC wall calendar.
  18. But isn't this just old news rehashed? I really don't see the point of any of it, Wotte probably won't be the manager next season and we might not even be in existence. This sort of yarn from the OS is just put out to fill the vaccuum because in fact f-all is happening.
  19. 0/10 Eric, ITK means impecunious tyre kicker.
  20. Might I just add here,for those purporting to have great knowledge of high finance, investment and the fining tuning of corporation, the correct usage of should have and not should of.I'm always prepared to give credit to any of these meanderings but they are always ruined,for me anyway,by crass errors in grammar, spelling can pass off as typos,but not grammar.As Benji says,amateurish.
  21. Is that the high life version of Grab a Granny at the Pier then?
  22. But ThursdaAND Tuesday both start with the same letter as in TIRESOME TAKEOVER TATTLE, rules both those days out then.
  23. Wouldn't set any store on what happened at Levante, it's a graveyard for decent players,took Fred Dehu from Marseille on a big saary 2 year deal and turned him into a rubbish player, which he certainly wasn't.Probably some brazilian or portuguese coach involved, as far as most of them are concerned if you can't score 20 goals from bicycle kicks from the half-way line a season you're garbage and in the reserves.
  24. Exactly.
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