chi saint
176 -
Everything posted by chi saint
I don't like the new look much either but until the day comes that I am prepared to spend an inordinate amount of my leisure time unpaid setting up and running a rival site then I don't see that I have right to moan too loudly.
Blimey what a waste of pressing a key board that article is. Whoever wrote it should be ashamed, biased is to kind a word....'I know him, he a good bloke, never seen him throw a punch'....oh yawn. I guess you have to try some sort of defence when your mates are found guilty but I certainly wouldn't want him as my character witness ha ha
Got exactly what they deserved, if you can't do the time etc etc.... Im sure on the day it was a case of the big I am, now how many are sat in a 6x8 wetting themselves where some serious villans reside not wannabees like this sad little lot. When they get out and if they act like responsible ADULTS then fair enough what's done is done, but learn their lesson they must and I suspect they will. I wanna go to footie with my kids and not have to witness such idiotic behaviour from frankly men who should know better. Still perhaps I have misjudged them, perhaps they don't care about being banged up, perhaps cos they can beat up a car or two they are hard and can adapt to their change in life style......nah I doubt it.
Well I did tell you some months ago that there is a rumour circulating that if we don't at least reach the playoffs Pardew will get the boot. I was told the board won't forgive him for the abysmal start to the season. I hope I am wrong but these latest comments should be ringing alarm bells. Cortese is, at least in his eyes, a winner and I think with the investment already gone into the club he will simply replace Pardew as an underperformer. Cortese isn't going to lose any sleep about replacing him if it means he'll be seen by those that matter to him as successful. Watch this space!
Superb, it's a win win situation for us. Can't wait.
Just in case there is any confusion, personally I think he doing a decent job, certainly justifies a number seasons to get everything together. He's a relatively young manager, certainly seems respected within the game and should be given plenty of time to develop both the team and his own strategy. I think if we show loyalty towards him in these early years he seems the sort of guy who would do likewise when other clubs come sniffing as they inevitably do as we climb back up the leagues Finally and in some ways I want him to stay and be successful as i'm fed up with us having a managerial revolving door policy and want to return to the days of a stable Saints where were seen as a club to look up to and players want to come to for the quality of the club and not the size of the wage packet.
- What a shame, other posters give their opinion, mostly disagreeing with what I have written, not a problem that is what a forum is for. But you 'Somewhere in Northam' just show yourself to be the **** u clearly are with such a stupid juvenile comment. Sadly what ever they are trying to teach u at school isn't going in is it?
I know this thread was dormant but I thought it appropriate due to the title. So in response to the question of Pardews long term future? My view is that if we don't get promoted then he will be sacked. My reasoning? I have it on reasonable authority that despite what you consider he has achieved and I for one would like him to stay, no matter what this seasons outcome the powers that be still haven't forgiven him for the poor start to the season and so at the end of the season he will be gone. I know, I know, i'll be vilified on here but c'est la vie. My source states he will be gone no matter what the seasons outcome but I find that far fetched, should he get us promoted but anything less .....well it wouldn't entirely surprise me!
It was all Exeter v Itchen yesterday for some reason the Northam was dead.
Just got tickets, they are almost down to single seats only, so chances of child and adult sitting together is remote.
For me it's not solely about the clubs, it's about a scum city who peoples tend not to know have a clue which ship their fathers served on but wait on the dockside in the hope that 'he or they' will return. It is fair to say that they are such thick, low life imbeciles that I truely consider them to be a stain upon the South coast. Apart from that I wish them well!!
Superb result we should have been three up by half time. Apart from 10 mins beginning of the 2nd half we completely outplayed the team in third place. I mean completely. I used to live on my nerves when we went ahead in the old days but not now, you actually felt we were in with a chance all along and I didn't wince the few times they came near our goal. A really enjoyable day out.
Don't try to justify it, try dealing with the facts, not rumur, it is a simple case of 8 tw*ts picking a fight with 2 lads. Umm the odds seem slightly stacked against the victims don't you think...by the way don't bother to answer that last part as it was a rhetorical question (look it up) as you clearly don't..think that is. I for one will be taking a picture of that fat twa* in the blue tight fitting shirt and pray I spot him first as i'll have no hesitation in reporting him to the authorities.
Don't take it personally, unless you are of course one of the mongs who can't read a ticket stub. Someone sitting in my seat will be politely advised as to where their correct seat is. The idea that over crowding is an issue is frankly a joke. You know that it's tw*ts trying to be different and break the rules. Simple solution, check them, ban them no ifs or buts they can get lost.
What a tirade of stupid remarks. Clearly you don't support Saints, rather you probably post simply to get a reaction and so make you feel you have some 'friends'. You really need to get out more and attempt some socialising. The only embarresment is you, the club doesn't need you, doesn't want you and doesn't deserve you!
He does a lot for charity and I assume, rightly or wrongly, he doesn't get paid for showing up, he wouldn't would he?? However I imagine he goes to bed at night thinking how lucky he is that SFC still indulge him. The man walked away from us for so called bigger and better and has somehow managed to get back on board the gravy train that was SFC. I have no objection to him being some sort of figurehead but no money should be going his way from the club if it has been these past years.
I was at hotel near to the Anaheim Disney in California a few years back when settling the bill at reception three women (just) came through the doors and on hearing me speak introduced themslves as being English and from P*mpey. With a smile I told them I was from gods country and that set them off with the usual tirade of abuse. The poor yank behind reception stood there in shock listening to the abuse being hurled by these classy 'ladies'. Unflustered I gathered my reciept and told him loudly that they were probably in the states looking for their fathers due to the high number of warships visiting poopey they were likely to be disappointed. Needless to say they went ballistic and I left them to it.
Well my first game of the season and I was overall very impressed. Some great pass and movement, reminiscent of some of last years great football played on the floor. Maybe we will this time have more of a cutting edge. My only concern is that we played a team that let us play, next game we will be back to the more physical game and we won't have the time to use the ball and instead resort to hoofing it. I wait with baited breath.
Oh surprise, surprise, a thread that has loads of abuse being thrown... as usual.
He's serious, stable and experienced. As far as I know he doesn't have any baggage and so for me he perfectly reflects what little we know of the new owner. If Pardew has any sense he'll be looking at this as a long term appointment, I just hope the owners are as good as their word and are here for the long haul. I don't expect promotion this season, perhaps, just perhaps a play off place! I wish him luck.
Whilst I didn't understand every aspect of the article, I didn't need to. Suffice to say whilst Rupes was an idiot and no doubt has been instrumental in dragging this great club of ours to where it currently is, ask me to choose between RL and Bates and i'd go for RL every time. Bates I wouldn't trust as far as I could throw him, he leaves discord and devastation in his wake. No one who has dealt with him ends up having a good word to say about him. He makes RL look naive.
You sir are a ****....Wotte clearly isn't so I can understand your confusion in this matter.
Hoddle...NO...the mans a judas, but far more importantly he's crap. What has he acheived except having the ability to divide opinon, between those who think he's useless and the rest who know he's useless. Well only have him because he has 'friends' advising the new owners.
Bad start already, why after all he's put up with we couldn't give him a chance or at least made the pretence of offering him some sort of position escapes me. We are supposed to be a family club and it hardly gives the right impression with only a couple of hours the poor sucker thought he was assured of his position. It smacks of ruthlesness which whilst some may applaud, personally I don't like it, could be the start of merry go round of managers, who don't bring instant sucess. Whilst it will turn out to be a good decision in terms of peformance..eventually... it'll just be a matter of counting the managers coming through the doors over the next few years. Iv'e no doubt that those with the money are relient on advice from those with supposed football knowledge or vested interests, and it'll all be about who over the past few weeks has been best at net working and making contacts within the club and with the new owners or more importantly those advising them rather than identifying the best man for the job. On that basis it's not what you know it's who you know.
I was never a total fan of him but as far as i'm concerned I hope when this mess is all sorted he gets rewarded for the way he has conducted himself these past few weeks. He could have jumped ship, spilt the beans to the tabloids but has instead remained dignified, which reflects well on the club, all we would need was for the manager to walk out and it would be a case of last one out the door, turn off the lights. Why not give him the managers job, let him try what he wants and if it doesn't work at least we did right by him, something increasingly rare with Saints for the past few years. It would send the right message to those looking into the club and hoping for a new era of loyalty, a dignified and proud club not one with a revolving door, again reminiscent of past decade. We could of course appoint some name, who once they have made an impact or resurrected their career moves on to a bigger not though neccesarily a better club - sound familiar? and thus the merry go round would continue.