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chi saint

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Everything posted by chi saint

  1. Sorry can’t help it if your reading skills are lacking. I take it as a part time fan, not supporter, you’ll be leaving the site soonest. lol
  2. Ah a newbie to supporting the Saints. Gotta learn to roll with the punches little man. Ha ha
  3. Admin Should we win on Saturday will you be removing all the faux Saints supporter trolls who have slated NJ on here from before he joined the club. Now the team have begun to perform, you can already hear the screech of burnt rubber as they perform U turns. You can easily identify them as they are so embarrassed they continue to refer to anything but NJs continued progress in the role by either giving large about the Forest game or how they 'would love to be proved wrong'. We even have some getting tearful that NJ does answer back when he gets abused. Win or lose on Saturday, it does show every club has its contingent of plastic fans, no matter the length of time they purport to have supported us.
  4. Whatever age, certainly seems more educated than your idiotic rant. Get a grip.
  5. If so called fans are going to moan that we won, that we were lucky and that Jones should still go then they should start looking for another team. It's early days and who can predict but that was a better performance, not great, but a definite improvement. COYR
  6. I fully accept NJ start has not been the most impressive (understatement) but I firmly believe we need to give him a fair chance, the term fair being subjective of course and will differ for each of us. Some on here didn't want him in the first place, some have given up on him and others, perhaps we are few, are prepared to allow him some time. I wholeheartedly agree Wednesday nights performance was abysmal, I can't recall so much long ball, to the point I started to get a stiff neck. Why do I say give him time? The club seem to be supportive, we are recruiting players, indeed if you believe some of the posts on here, even some back room staff. Why when you have players coming in, presumably based on NJs requirements, would you then jettison him before he has had a chance to implement his ideas using these new additions. Its not as though we were high flying under RH (who I would have had stay. Get rid now and we would likely have another incoming manager cast their rule over these new arrivals and if unsatisfied then potentially go on another recruitment drive to fulfil his requirements? All precious time lost in my opinion. My view is we see what he does in these next two cup matches and then scrutinise the team set and performance against the Toffee's. If by that time it remains hoofing it up to our diminutive 'strikers' and I use the term strikers loosely, then perhaps we will have to accept he is not the man for us and make a quick panic buy for a manager in the mould of a Dyche. I hope of course that we will start to see the development of a cohesive team and a manager with a discernible way or style of playing - We can but hope!
  7. I thought we saw signs of improvement today, some nice pass and move as well as more fight and vigour. Pleased to see JWP score (his second not first lol) as can't do any harm to his confidence or that the team. Each individual made mistakes, but then doesn't every team, it's just at the moment it seems so called fans latch on to these and pillory the player not very support-ish if you ask me! As for NJ, it's early days, I have no idea if he is the right appointment but what is done is done. As the saying goes - Roma (sic) wasn't built in a day. Clearly things today were better than against Brighton and I suspect he is learning with every game who can hack it and who can't. Albeit I accept that we may run out of time before he knows his final 11, has them is bedded in and working as a functioning unit. The upcoming window will be crucial, be it loanees or contracted players we clearly need a striker (preferably two) and a more experienced, natural leader to assist both on the pitch and in the dressing room. Extras in midfield would be a bonus but the need is clear - striker, striker, striker. One query I do have for NJ is why S Armstrong isn't starting as it seems to me that today his introduction was one of the defining moments that signalled a notable improvement. Perhaps his fitness is an issue, if not then for me it is a quandary. To those on here who are already calling for NJs sacking, give some thought to his situation. He knew there were 'issues' as did we and the club hierarchy. He has inherited those players and like Ralph is no doubt questioning who is up for the relegation battle, who is there only for the money along with this are disillusioned after having been sold the fantasy of Saints being a shop window.. Keep the faith for if we jettison NJ, no one will be coming to us as we'll be adopting the 'Watford way' in respect of management appointments. We have the games, we just need one or two players and supporters who support.
  8. We'll same old same old. Really poor response to what was an important game, a notable lack of positivity, pitiful mind set all round. NO not the saints team, but the usual moaning so called fans on this forum. As soon as we scored you could hear the collective bed wetters groaning that we might just get a win with Ralph and the team taking some credit. So if your not pleased with tonights performance, and in some cases I'm sure the outcome, can I suggest you don't just stop supporting Saints, but instead stop watching football. Instead why not try doing something you might actually enjoy in your spare time.
  9. Another words Saints didn't deserve anything from the game and the draw was all down 1. The weather 2. Bamford being subbed. Jeez, accept we had a reasonable and certainly as good a first half as Leeds, then came back strongly and deserved the result. I wonder why so many of you bother following us, as you don't seem to want to offer praise when it is deserved.
  10. It never ceases to amaze how many of our so called 'fans' want us to lose, if it gives them ability to criticise Ralph. It clearly irritated some of the posters that we came back from a 2 goal deficit, you can almost hear them groaning as our goals went it. Reading some of the comments here, you have ask if either these so called fans didn't go to the game, are so myopic they can't see some positive signs or they are so embittered with Ralph anything he does will never be good enough. We should (steel helmet at the ready for incoming) accept that he has new players, they need bedding in and that started in earnest today. It will take time before we and Ralph see the first 11, but today was a step in the right direction. If nothing else ask your self how often we come back from 2 behind? Enough said.
  11. Yes like so many I blame the manager for seemingly being unable to choose the right players and yet I also blame some of our players for a lack of desire and frankly a lack of skill. The latter I don't blame them but our recruitment staff as if you haven't got it, you haven't got it and certainly the likes of Cedric & Romeu haven't got it. Anyone who references back to last year as regards Romeu, note this season he's poor and thats being charitable. They are unable to pass the ball to each other when under pressure, couldn't score in a Derby Rd brothel and have more chance of the lottery at this rate than at the likes of WB. Play the youngsters, your guaranteed as least some commitment, some pride and perhaps some results that favour us.
  12. Right - Solution to our woes Bench the following for the next three games:- Tadic, Cedric, Davis, Romeu, Hoedt,. Start with Sims, Hesketh, McQueen and any other youngster who is on the edge of the 1st team. At least with youngsters you will get players who want to aspire to the first team. Currently we have a number of regulars who either aspire to keep their wages or go to a supposed 'bigger club'.
  13. I presume this is your first season, wait until you have been supporting Saints for some years then you may understand.
  14. Good solid performance, with no one letting us down. Nice to see a change in keeper, might benefit Forster to have a break and relieve some of the pressure he has been under. As for those expressing the view players now seem to be 'playing for the manager', thats an interesting interpretation. Another might be, 'the club has a war chest to spend, numerous players being linked with us and my place might now be in danger, I'd better put in a shift'. I hope that latter version is not the case but call me Mr Cynical, it seems strange some players actually stepped up today
  15. I certainly endorse your second point about the treatment of Puel. I would caveat your first by saying if this debacle tonight leads to a reassessment and positive change by the manager and/or club then it may be beneficial to have suffered such an humiliation.
  16. No Peul was sacked because numpties who haven't a clue considered him boring, in their view he was not a name. It's called style over substance. You got what you wished for so stop moaning and suck it up. Most managers and fans would have been very satisfied in a first season for us to play in a final and finish in the league where we did. He should have been given another 8 games this season to show he could bring some flair to the proceedings, not sacked for being successful. As for Brecit, yes indeed moron is the term for those who want to remain chattels of a dysfunctional, corrupt, self serving, undemocratic, ever more irrelevant superstate. Albeit they do nice pattiseries.
  17. My goodness talk about being the harbinger of doom. We played well overall. Certainly room for improvement and some players lack the finesse of Arsenal but they at least gave everything they had and work as a team. Frustrating yes, but certainly don’t need yet another change of manager as we’re starting to see progress.
  18. I'm happy to give Puel another season, in order to impose his ideas, with his players and stamp his authority on a team that isn't yet his. Whilst I have also found periods of our play boring and frustrating, surely the close season is a time where having seen our failings, particularly an inability to score, Claude should now recruit and coach to address these issues. If he doesn't and there is no improvement next season then his position should be questioned. With that in mind let's look at our 'season' when you consider we lost a manager, Fonte, Mane, Pelle and Wanyama - the enforced long absences of Van Dyke and Austin, the extra games of the Europa, FA and League cups with of course the final appearance and a possible 8th/10th place we could all name a host of other PL teams who would be pleased with that. Indeed when you look at what the likes of those teams above us have achieved, how many have actually something to show for their season, despite the larger wages and budgets? At least our players have a runners up medal and got to play in Europe! The other 'issue' in my opinion is Puel's demeanor, particularly in front of camera, he's softly spoken, verging on dull - but be careful what you wish for, do we want someone who is a character perhaps lean towards a Mourinho type, all me, me me - certainly I do not? Finally I note a number of 'names' have already been mentioned as his replacement, Silva - really? his tactics are sit deep and hit them on the counter..oh that's what we tend to do- so where's the improvement in that? Ranieri...really?.... I mean really??..... I'm sure i'm not alone in liking the guy but his bolt has been well and truly shot - he's had his day in the sun - he was fired for goodness sake - a PL winning team gave up on him, you don't get much of a more damning indictment! Give Puel another season, lets see how he and the team develop, if we're going backwards get rid but otherwise keep the faith.
  19. Flip side is right, your flipped. I can stand and do at away games because that is the accepted practise. My sons and I are tall enough to see over the heads of anyone but at home games as another poster said you know where those that stand want to be. Therefore I choose to sit and buy my ticket accordingly. I suggest you delete what is a juvenile post. AT Wembley next time, if there is a next time before you leave school, consider those around you, are they all standing? I would suggest not, I have had the odd person stand in front of me in St Marys and a quiet word tends to resolve the problem.
  20. Fair point, but in this day and age (accepting Rooney et al was for a time evidence in support of your statement) I am not convinced their aren't many managers who will continue to play a player who fails to continually produce the goods. Indeed how often do we hear the refrain 'play the youth' as was seen by Ronald today and his decision to drop some regulars today.
  21. Complacency - "a feeling of quiet pleasure or security, often while unaware of, or unconcerned with, unpleasant realities or harmful possibilities; self-satisfaction; smugness" Based on the above dictionary definition it seems to me the prevailing issue is a sense of complacency has enveloped the club. The evidence for this is, and I stand to be corrected, the chairman has been allowed a sabbatical to manage a hockey team, now normally in the closed season of course it could be allowed but we're hardly flying. With the window now open, and yes I know Les is portrayed as the the guru, I can't understand when you are as a club on the cusp of a decisive period and need everyone pulling in the same direction to recruit the right players, that your chairman ( who I presume has some contacts at board level across the game) is not in position? Personally I wouldn't be surprised to hear Ralph is on the move come the summer. The Chinese connection, whilst appears to have gone quiet of late, may have also focused Katerina's mind and given her pause for thought when it comes to opening the safe and spending some pennies, knowing she is in for a healthy profit if she sells both the club and maybe some players as a final dividend on her investment! As for the management - Claude deserves more time and I suspect he knows he is going to get it, we're 10th at the time of writing, comparable with last season, he doesn't at least in public seem the type of guy who is going to throw his teddy out of the pram if he doesn't get a new player or two ( I maybe doing him a disservice but can only judge by his public pronouncements) and will do the best with what he has. Personally I would like to see him publically acknowledge that 'we need to strengthen the squad' a euphemism for I need better quality players!! Players - rotation to the extent we are utilising it would seem to disincentive any players giving 110% as despite that they are likely to get dropped to the bench, alternatively if you are not playing well you still have every chance of getting game time when the rotation comes round to you and it's your turn - a recipe for a lack of motivation all round.
  22. One of the main issues is the rotational policy - where is the incentive for a player to give 110% when you know the likelihood is your going to be dropped for the following game. Vice versa you know due to the policy that you will be given game time despite your colleague in your position playing well. Add to this the inability for players to get in a rhythm with the players around them, as they're constantly being changed from game to game I can perhaps understand the prevailing defensive mind set as your not quite sure where your colleague is going to be or the run they might make etc. Perhaps they're was an argument for the rotation whilst we were in Europe, but not now surely. We need to have a fixed 'best side' and incentivise those on the periphery to work hard to get game time and for those playing to pull their fingers out to keep there place.
  23. I'm not sure what the issue is with the board, if you believe the reports, we seem to be turning down various offers. Surely that is what we wan't isn't it, a board room who aren't prepared to roll over. The latest report regarding declining LP's offer (if you believe the hype) shows the board ARE looking after the clubs interest. So all you moaners and groaners be grateful we have a top tier with some gonads. I'm sure that if a player wants to leave it will inevitably happen but it seems it will be despite the boards efforts not because of ....GET A GRIP
  24. Before anyone comments, I haven't read each and every comment but suffice to say in Nigel I trust. I know it is unlikely in the extreme but if he was interested in a return I for one wouldn't be upset. With Herr Cortese having left perhaps NA could see it as a fresh start. My opinion is not based on sentiment but as has been mentioned many times a lot of the current crop of players developed under NA, albeit I am prepared to concede that Poch brought them on (a different view might be that they matured both mentally and physically despite any management involvement). My reasoning is based on watching us in League 1 and then C/ship where we played superb passing football, pressing the opposition (I accept not as far up the field as of late) and of course ultimately the results came added to which I felt after a nightmare start NA has started to turn the corner only to get sacked.. Another consideration is that, and this is perhaps a case of 'rose tinted glasses', I genuinely couldn't see him having jumped ship for another club, he gave the impression of being loyal and a man of his word, not something that was appreciated perhaps by the previous regime! What ever happens please none of the usual suspects from the merry go round et al, Poyet, McLaren, Mackay, Curbishley etc etc. I'd rather go with an unproven in the Premiership but with the drive and a fresh approach.
  25. Agree with most of this post, except....we were in Lge1 playing superb one touch footie, this continued into the C/ship and even today the football is at time sublime. However the issue is in the final third, it always has been. Even when we were getting promoted with goals galore, we should have been scoring more when you consider the amount the possession we had. This has continued into the Prem, only now were getting punished by teams who do make the most of their possession. I know it sounds simple but I'd like to see us shoot!!!
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