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aids victim

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Everything posted by aids victim

  1. Boj has got that desperate to recruit quality that he has started sending PM's on B-anter to people asking them so sign up on a special offer of £2 for the year. Still £2 too much for me though, so where will he target next?
  2. I am very sorry. SaintMike is the man.
  3. When i'm not posting my 3 messages on here I post on http://www.b-anter.co.uk We talk about many cultural issues and love to don our face paints whilst having jovial banter online. I don't like to blatantly advertise it in the hope of getting more people posting though. I do lick Ess's bumbum, it's lush.
  4. I would rather donate a fiver to the Baj and Steve Christmas fund, rather than pay for someone elses holiday. Pikey.
  5. I booted someone in the head on Saturday night and that was good exercise. 6 of us on 1 and my mate video'd it. Should be up on youtube soon
  6. I am in the top 20,000 hottest people on Facebook, touch me. I hope you all die and when I return on Monday I am the only poster here. Well, apart from the b-anter lot, 'cos we can be racist and stuff without being upset about feeling your lots wrath. I'd feel Cabbage's wrath, but he doesn't poke me on facebook. I have 2 posts left today and 3 posts tomorrow and Sunday available for people with my password to abuse. DO IT xx
  7. If I had money and wasn't a cheapskate then I would sign up. I just do not really rely on this place as something to do, it was just somewhere to go if work was quiet. Saying that, I don't see what the big fuss is about signing up or not signing up.
  8. I am going for a poo xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  9. I am going for a poo xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  10. I hope you have a rubbisher weekend than anyone in the whole wide world.
  11. Tonight - kill myself Saturday - get post-mortem'd Sunday - see family and stuff before I go to the undertakers. 10/10
  12. I go to 2 different gyms, 'cos i'm that much of a freak. I also have just 2 more posts to deliver today, which means I am slacking a bit. At one of my gyms there are no women I don't think, but at the other there are loads and some are very fit, especially the ones that do Street Dancing lessons there on a Monday.
  13. Food for thought is not a metaphor, it's an idiom. As shown by the BBC's own website. Thus, those who brag about getting 20/20 only got 19, SUFFER THICKOSSSSSSSSSS!!
  14. I got 2/20, which I thought wasn't bad at all.
  15. No, I have never heard of Ocean Gym. It was an interesting experience, as i've never come against that style before. I used 1 of my posts today to tell you this, cherish it.
  16. Well, I am still undefeated on it, so I think it's amazing.
  17. Friday - Sparred with a Thai Boxer, he got quite feisty and got quite annoyed with my jab. Then went to a mates for some Poker action. Saturday - Football, town and home reasonably early 'cos... Sunday - Nike 10k run thing. Mate signed us up the Monday prior, so no training at all, but we were there and I did it in 51 minutes. I then played for my mates team in the afternoon and scored 5, but I think the oppo were wheelchair people who weren't in their wheelchairs. Then went to the pub for dinner and went to see Step Brothers at the cinema. 7/10 - Got a load of free stuff from the Nike run, which was good times.
  18. Hit me up, i'm always on it, as I have no life and it's the best way for me to network with the outside world. Be warned, i'm like a rabid Cheetah, so if we play then you can catch up with me at the finish line. 8493-2383-2894
  19. People who were born in Amazingstoke are a joke really. People who live near to or actually in Basingstoke are people who should be admired. I just look at you with pity, as I have just 1 more chance to waste time on here today before I vanish for another 24 hours, whilst you have to suffer reading bile from many of the users on here, bar St Kip. SUFFERRRRRRR.
  20. I enjoy SaintKip and he makes me realise that Basingstoke is a place to be held in the admiration of others. I've never seen him on South Ham Road though, but I will keep a lookout for him in future xx
  21. Just the 2 of us - Bill Withers We should sing it all and then in a hushed tone, whisper Lallana.
  22. There isn't a website to hack yet, but it's coming VERY SOON
  23. Carmella from Neighbours Jennifer Anniston Jessica Alba Fit, fit, fit and i'd trade in my current missus for any of them.
  24. I think I have one post left today, zany!!
  25. Ha, this thread also made I chuckle. Shut up.
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