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aids victim

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Everything posted by aids victim

  1. Mine isn't really expensive, as £50k is a drop in the ocean to me. I am so rich, Robsk how much would it cost for me to make you dress up as a Reindeer? Name your price, as i'll be able to afford it no problem. I am buying my Mum a helicopter now I think, so the price has gone up, but she saw one in the sky and said she'd like one.
  2. I concur, that group is fine to look at and providing i've worked it out correctly then i'd give INS' sister the best performance that I could muster. FAO INS - give me yer sisters details. FAO SFC S13 - Nothing xx
  3. Did you know that I just went and viewed that group. The only person who I have a friend in common with is TheSaintPerson. I didn't join, as then people would see in my newsfeed that i've joined a group for an innernets messageboard and i'd get the p!ss ripped out of me xx
  4. I thought that INS sounded like a mans man and one that was very funny and clever. Nobody else has rung me yet though
  5. TheSaint makes a point here and that's to do with showing the love. Now, I don't have many friends in life, well, none at all really, so if you feel like showing me love in any way then text me your love 07841 847849 and you'll make my day. Maybe we could even build up a friendship and go to the cinema or something like that? Looking forward to hearing from y'all. xx
  6. I wouldn't go on that site, as I have heard that if you sign up then you get PM's offering you free handjobs. Got to go and get my handjob xx
  7. If you're gay and care about womens feelings and the like then they will cause you hassle. If you treat em mean, mentally and physically destroy them so they become a nervous wreck and daren't upset you then they are amazing. Don't be the b!tch, be the butch, makes life a lot easier. PM me for more details on my self help guide xx
  8. I would've asked if he could do it again, got my phone out, shout HAPPY SLAAAAAAAAAAAP, filmed it and then upload it to youtube. I'd have then put the link on here and you'd all reply with "LOLZ, AIDZ YOU FUNNY AS CLART" safe xx
  9. I would delete mine, but then I would have no friends, so I have to keep it and my 11 friends. Who wants to be the 12th? PM MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE xx
  10. If you don't like him and his things are annoying you then just take him off of your friends thing? People who have 93532 friends on there just to look popular annoy me, but hey add me Gordon Trunker xx
  11. Glad Ess decided to ditch his site, as I don't have to read such heinous and racist views from moronic neanderthals that ruin the innernet. As someone who never viewed this b-anner place I feel that my quality life has been improved an enormous amount. I most certainly wouldn't like to thank him for putting his time and money into such a venture that may have been a slightly humourous place where people didn't take themselves too seriously at all. No way at all, scum are gone now so I can alphabetise my CDs in peace.
  12. When you paying me to get on!
  13. This is when you know you need to quit the innernets, which is what I shall now do forever and eternity. Then you're all sadbo's and i'm a non sadbo, so I can slags you off to peoples I know and I won't be a hypocrite. I have decided that you all watch Robot Wars and you all love Matilda, you kinky deviants. Go to hell, I don't want to be a part of this game no moreeeeeeeeeeeee. Look at meeeeeeeeee, loooooooook.
  14. You caught me out!! I have been posting as both Im no sinner and I was Roger Beeks as well, nobody ever cottoned onto that one!! I will post only as Im No Sinner in the future
  15. Tonight - Guess Tomorrow - Guess Sunday - Guess Rating - ?/10 This week you have to guess things that I am doing. The one who gets the most things right wins 5 minutes of respect from me. Get cracking, stop slacking pussyholes xx
  16. I have it at work, well, it's Windows Messenger and I can do about 5 smilies. I will never upgrade though, as I stay true to it. You all needed to know this, if you want add me on there saintmsn@hotmail.co.uk xx
  17. Women are liars and they love mind games, so play into her hands and send some proper dirty texts to a lass that you know will reply, then sit back and watch her look at them and she'll hit the roof. Punch her in the mouth so she's dazed, land a stone cold stunner on her and then cop a quick feel. Women love me, I have done this loads of times before and they come back for more, honest, I wouldn't lie to you, as there's a 0.4% that you could hunt me down and kill me if this backfired.
  18. SCORPIO You are sharp, a quick thinker and good at puzzles. However these are your only good traits. You screw small animals and love picking your nose. You always have snot on your clothes. That is like soooo right it's uncanny, hahahaha, I just made myself out to be zany. If only you all knew that i'm quite comfortably the most droll person on here the joke would be on me, but the joke is on you. IN YOUR FACE SPAZMOS!!1111111111111 Boj send a PM to Jill, not one of your usual seedy attempts of smacking my ho up, but to get me sorted so I can terrorise your servermobile.
  19. Jill, take a number and join the queue, I may be able to fit you in around 2009. I love it when you become single all these womens become interested in a hot piece of a55 like myself. Sort out my account on here jill and i'll send you raunchy PMs and ask if you have MSN and a webcam, i'm an online lothario, as well as offline, hubba hubba my little ho bag. This message is a 3 out of 10, my love for Jill is a 2, but could be more if she splashes thy cashis. I am a laugh a minute.
  20. Look at all you depressives about women, they are amazing. I traded in my 7 out of 10 for a date with a lovely 9 out of 10 on Saturday and another 7 out of 10 on Thursday, but she's a much more fun person that my ex. I find using a rating scheme out of 10 everything makes my life 8 out of 10, so all is good. This message is sadly a 2 out of 10 'cos I am bring my life onto the innernets to bore you little geeks with, which I apologise for.
  21. I nailed none, but I am going to nail at least 1 before the year is out, it's my mission to and when I do Jill will finally have paid my membership so I can start a thread all about it. I'm 'cited.
  22. Friday - Gym, round womans and dumped her. Saturday - Footie, scored, Footie, didn't score, went to o2, good times. Sunday - Footie, scored scored, dead leg, gym, pub quiz. 9.5/10 - dead leg ruined it
  23. I am wasted on here, really I am. I am off again now, so maybe tomorrow after 4pm I will enlighten you, or I will save my 3 post lessons in life until Friday, who knows? Not me, i'm that crazy. I am going to read more threads tomorrow, but nothing will beat "this photo deserved a thread of it's own". Poke me on facebook s'laters friendship requesters xx
  24. No, you must've sent it to someone else 'cos I can't get PMs on here, when Jill pays for me to do so i'm going to abuse it until my eyes hurt my head and I be sick on my keyboard. I am a walking timebomb baby.
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