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Mr saint

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Everything posted by Mr saint

  1. Mr saint


    I remember being massively excited about getting it for Christmas, and then immediately disappointed with how rubbish it was to play. It remains, by quite some distance the worst present I've ever received and the worst game I ever owned. Table football (foosball) - now THAT was a great football-related game..
  2. I'm 49 and I concur with everything.
  3. It's his post-match interview v Blackpool.
  4. David Fonte Guly Lambert Barnard Would also double up as a cracking 5-a-side team
  5. Will we be allowed to take sparklers in?
  6. Lol. You've just made yourself look like a clueless idiot on the internet.
  7. Do you have anger management issues by any chance?
  8. 2 wrongs don't make a right. If there is one (I doubt there will be though), I for one, would like Saints fans to prove just how much better we are than them in front of a worldwide TV audience, by respecting it.
  9. Just knock loudly and someone will (probably) let you in.
  10. Will there be seat belts on the bus?
  11. Crap thread. Too many capital letters in the title as far as I'm concerned.
  12. Macclesfield away will do nicely.
  13. NA?
  14. Hull down to 10. Lallana injured?
  15. 900....
  16. 900...
  17. Nominees are: Mark Cavendish Darren Clarke Alastair Cook Luke Donald Mo Farah Dai Greene Amir Khan Rory McIlroy Andy Murray Andrew Strauss I'd go for Cavandish or McIlroy I think. Even though I know next to nothing about cycling. Or golf.
  18. Mr saint


    He's certainly always had at least 2.
  19. You're not back from the game at all then. Liar.
  20. Rule Ahem 1.
  21. Doesn't that count as a goal scoring moment?
  22. http://www.saintsfc.co.uk/page/NewsDetail/0,,10280~2526662,00.html Same, but different...
  23. I believe everyone sees different adverts. They're tailored to match your own internet history...
  24. I agree, this is quite clearly a bad formation to play if you want to win games of football.
  25. Weirdly, with the benefit of hindsight, I'm pretty gald we lost the shoot-out v Derby in the play-offs now (sorry to go immediately off-topic).
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