4,263 -
Everything posted by Baj
I'm not trying to be funny, but when I first read what this was all about I thought it said "Kidnaps children and forces them to fight him on a mass scale". I just pictured this war lord standing in the middle of a field with 300 rabid children trying to kill him as he fends them off with swords and shotguns.
Have an iPad 2. The 3 is going to have to be something special for me to upgrade. Higher res wont be enough and better cpu means nothing when all my apps already run flawlessly. Im going to be in san fransisco a month after launch, so the opportunity to buy it cheaper in the states could be a draw...
I find his views repulsive. "The truth about Islam" - What truth, that 99.9% are peace loving, tax paying, tolerant people. Every sufficiently large group in society has fringe nutters / extremists. "I hate nazis as much as I hate islamists", well no wonder they want to kick your ****ing head in with stupid statements like that. Hopefully next time he'll get some sense knocked into him, inshallah.
Yeah, get an assessment first. I did my CBT then road a 125 for a year, 1/3 of my time learning for my full license was trying to get my bad riding habits out of me!
I think the stance is, if its the company you work for that has the vacancies, then fine, but if you're a recruitment consultant, its not.
And on that note...
Having been sent the "evidence" from ART, I can confirm this has absolutely nothing to do with saintsweb.
Sorry, but this is impossible.
If either of you get a warning again, can you please do the following (assuming you're slightly tech savvy) View page as source. Save page as an html file Email me the html file (hscbaj@hotmail.com) and I can look into it.
Yup thats exactly the reason. Actually, if you ask any mod they will give you a list of their personal stand-points in relation to club issues. If you can ensure you dont counter those issues your posts have a much higher chance of getting past the moderators.
I would suggest those that are biased towards not teaching RE should understand what an important place learning about religion has in breeding tolerance in our society. Modern RE doesnt teach that there IS a god, it teaches that "this religion believes this", as well as the social and ethical implications of each belief structure. My nephew is in year 11 and doing RE (obviously), he had a homework question on the difference between a crime and a sin, I said "if shes 15 its a crime, if shes 16 its a sin" hah. On a more serious not, and to correct someone above, teaching that 1 religion believes in 1 god thus invalidating the rest doesnt hold true in all religions, particularly islam which says that all religions pray to the same god, who is in fact allah. Hence the Islamic phrase "No god but god"
yeah, easier, more up to date and comprehensive... oh...
You're not allowed to, by law.
Sorry, didn't realise you were referring to practise 1. No, you're absolutely right, I dont think many pubs will open to televise Practise session 1 to the public
Since the Japanese grand prix isnt on at 2am, none, I should imagine.
Real question is, if you come, are you going to drive around it, and if so in what?
You weren't blaming apple or their products, but put MacBook phishing virus in the title, and implied in your second post that it was related to you using apple? Anyway, regardless, you've been phished and there's nothing you can do other than cancel any cards or change passwords related to your account(s). I would highly recommend reading some articles online about how to spot fake emails and avoid being duped in future, we've all been had at some point or another, I was phished by a fake eBay email. I'm sorry if you thought I wasn't being particularly helpful, but in fact your posts were more harm than good, since the phish had nothing to do with your MacBook it's very much worth pointing this out to those reading the thread, who like me, assumed it was about a mac virus!! With regards to your subscription, have your tried emailing subscriptions@saintsweb.co.uk which should be the email address you've always received subscription information. Steve grant takes care of subscriptions and monitors that email address daily. No one uses the admin account.
Take it your coming then? Chat to you tomorrow, er, today
Saying the macbook was at fault is a little like saying your car which should never crash, did, because you were stupid enough to drive it the wrong way down a one way street at 50mph. Even the title of this thread contains 3 unrelated words. You were phished, therefore the Macbook part is irrelevant and so is the Virus part.
Probably will end up as a cop out and say they were blue-printed there or smaller test versions of the rockets were built there.
By singling out a Mac? Phishing is human error, nothing to do with the machine you're on.
scott, ill do it for you. Email me on hscbaj@hotmail.com, ill do it tomorrow.