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Everything posted by Baj

  1. I know someone who used to try to do the traditional cardsharing method of joining forums and exchanging clines, but he said that performance can suffer and you can get frequency breakup for signal. He recommends, really, just paying a service. He suggests http://www.cccamsharing.com/ as an option. I cannot confirm or deny either way.
  2. Best: Giganews, been using them for years.
  3. You can pick up a DM500 now for less than £40, with this you have ultimate configurability of how things are set up, and of course if you want to, say, do a google for "card sharing", you might find some interesting information... http://www.espow.com/index.php?currency=GBP&cPath=328_520_523&oPath=47&vPath=208&gclid=COfXiqfG7LQCFYXLtAodqwMAyw
  4. Totally agree its an excellent way to use a spare box if you have the dish on the wall. I just seem to remember old sky boxes are in effect "hard coded" to a certain frequency range meaning you cant tell them, for example, to get as low as 10700's. I use a dreambox 800hd, together with a decent card sharing service. My dish is on a motor, in effect I receive every satellite channel in Europe, which is nice.
  5. Does the skybox she have allow her to view freesat channels? Last I checked the skybox's were locked on to a frequency range that wasnt wide enough to get some/all of freesat?
  6. Well, look on the brightside, you're sorted for gifts for Xmas 2013!
  7. And to make myself clear, skimlinks was running as a test, its now been removed. Skimlinks being seen by subscribers was my oversight and I apologise for it. Monetising our non-subscribing users is a matter of necessity, not choice
  8. Have to say, this part did make me laugh though If we didnt generate revenue from the content in the form of subs and advertising, the website couldnt exist!
  9. Skimlinks has proven to be a bunch of **** that generates about enough money to pay for a bigmac each month. It was recommended to us and I genuinely believe was worth a look.... I'll turn them off now!
  10. TDD, I would completely forget using a Raspberry Pi if I were you, no offence, but you need to know you're way around linux proficiently to set up anything beyond basic web browsing.
  11. Ah crap, needs a tow bar, would have had it otherwise
  12. Everything I can see from a quick google says that Raspberry Pi can only do audio airplay, not video? is that still the case? (I have APTV2 and Rpi)
  13. Yeah, basically there people who wrote the code to carry the audio (in the form that is used by 99% of the movies you download) basically pulled the rights for them to use it unless they pay a large licence fee. Thats why audio doesnt work any more. When it did work, GoodPlayer was awesome, thats what I used
  14. Meant to ask, did anyone else do the Wight Winter wiggle event a couple of weeks ago? Was a really good ride and great atmosphere
  15. He ever done plumbing work for you? It's monumentally easy, I'll just cock it up if I try it tho. He just needs to plumb in the washing machine and itll be next to a sink
  16. Thanks I'll give him a call. Will he accept bank transfer from saintsweb account?
  17. yeah, actually it's the biggest room in my house, so hoping the guy will have a few options
  18. Well, if not a socket, then running the power to the airing cupboard where there is electricity. Have seen plenty of people do this so can't imagine its a massive safety issue, especially as landlord and estate agents have both said its ok.
  19. Can anyone recommend the right person(s) for the job? I need to move my washing machine from downstairs into my bathroom, which will require creating a power outlet for it.
  20. Not being used enough any more so selling. This is the 40gb Model, the old style with 3 controllers, the ps3 eye camera and a charging station for the controllers. Comes with the following games: Motorstorm: Pacific Rift Gran Turismo 5 Black Ops GTA IV+ Liberty City Aliens v Predators (so bad I will happily bin for you when handing over) Uncharted 2 COD MW2 Darksiders Fifa 10 Little Big Planet Resistance Warhawk Forumula One (the first one) inFamous God of war 1 2 and 3 (multipack HD) PES 2009 Grid EyeCreate Killzone 2 Mirrors Edge Uncharted Singstar Singstar vol 2 Metal Gear Solid 4 Assassins creed 2 Ratchet and Clank - crack in time Pro evo 2011 F1 2011 Motorstorm Apocalypse COD: MW3 Mass Effect 2 Killzone 3 Eye Pet I've not checked prices on ebay etc, but happy to take the going rate minus a few quid to shift it...
  21. I don't have any capacity for freelance work any more, but if you send me a private message with details I'll be happy to give you some advice
  22. Currently do my fulltime job 12 hours a day! I stopped freelancing a year ago....
  23. Baj

    F1 2012

    I sold my really decent wheel and pedals, it was just too much of an arseache to set everything up each time
  24. Baj

    F1 2012

    ill be on this eve, ill add you then
  25. Baj

    F1 2012

    Just got it on Xbox, Colin, fancy doing a season?
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