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Everything posted by Baj

  1. hmm, I did copy them over, at least I attempted to, im not sure if they actually "arrived" or if they even landed in the right spot, such was my "guess" at the path when using scp, oh well, ill check in the morning
  2. "Leave my jewels alone"
  3. FYI, Hacienda has been infracted for his post. If you have an issue, PM the Mods/Admins, do not post off topic
  4. Baj

    Sad News

    **** all happened too quickly, hopefully for him too and he didn't feel any pain.
  5. Baj

    Sad News

    What actually happened in the accident. I watched it on youtube but couldnt really make it out. Looked like he lost the back end, ended up on the deck and then spun around a bit but I couldnt see anything that would cause such massive head injuries. Tragic waste
  6. £250 wasted
  7. See you on Friday too then if you're that bored!
  8. Owen Hargreaves, Terry Butcher
  9. Good question, and something we hadnt considered. I should imagine if a skate pays £5 to access the forum like that, they would be more than sensible enough not to act like an idiot on the main forum, I dont know, something for the admin team to discuss i think.
  10. The ardenne in Belgium in 4 weeks (yes Same time as Michelle, no, not together!), Sweden in Oct, Munich in Nov, Belgium again in Dec, Italy in Jan. ps. thanks for all your money, JOKE
  11. Not sure how directors of a company pocketing cash generated by their own business can be so outrageous, despite the fact we won't be doing it.
  12. I find it consistently amusing reading peoples assuumptions about how much revenue is being generated by the subscriptions. The fact is, as we keep saying, our business plan is to turn a small profit it the order of a couple of hundred quid. We are currently, even with the great number of people that have subscribed so far, not even close to securing this server for a year. At the end of the day, Saints Web is a limited company, we are under no obligation to provide anyone with our financial status other than providing our annual reports to company house which is then available to anyone who wishes to see it. Lastly, and quite bluntly, myself and steve grant do quite well out of our careers as it is, and we have no need or desire to use Saints Web to generate us more income.
  13. Remind me the last time a mid to low level championship side reached the uefa cup final? dont talk arse.
  14. Come Morning We Fight - Brigade ... and very good it is too
  15. yeah, you're supposed to mix it up a bit, chuck some newspaper in there every now and then.
  16. well considering, aside from Ronaldo, I would say he's the best player in that position ive seen all last season... I think it's alright to put him on my shirt.
  17. Crazy Germans......... Ill be sticking to last seasons shirt for another year or so, especially as it cost me £50 as well as getting Ribery (7) on the back.
  18. We've got one and think it's great, just means the bin is less full and i dont have to cart my grass cuttings off to the tip
  19. Baj


    What sort of budget do you have, you can get some fairly decent ones now for as little as £200 or £300
  20. Baj


    Something similar maybe, do you know the name?
  21. If by redundant you mean "deleted", yes
  22. whoops. looks like i missed this out when setting things up, is sorted now, only paid up members can use social groups.
  23. Baj


    Start as a microbe, grow to be a conquerer of worlds... looks very cool and very funny. http://eu.spore.com/home.cfm?lang=en
  24. How much does it cost to park at Richmond all day?
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