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Everything posted by Baj

  1. Guys, if you can find a suitable vbookie style virtual gambling thing that doesnt involve money, i'm quite happy to host and run it for free, so long as no money is involved anywhere along the line. I mean, hosted seperate from this forum.
  2. VBookie doesnt work on this version of the forum, sorry guys
  3. The impression given is just events
  4. 15,000 athletes iircwtfbbq
  5. Baj

    Crash Helmets

    Yeah, can you dont want people to see your face when you've got a chavmobile.
  6. wouldnt take much tbf
  7. Baj

    Crash Helmets

    Full Face, in my experience, most shops (in fact ive NEVER had a complaint) are cool with leaving your helmet on if you can't be arsed to take it off. Get something decent tho, doesnt matter how ****ty your moped, slamming your head into a curb at 30mph is going to need some protection. I have one of these. http://www.lings.com/lingscentralapp_core.lassoapp?pg=nav&prodview=fc6043f5a3ae9988&sectnum=c7c38973f3fe9736&catnum=35c2ff123a2df76d&-session=Lings:
  8. Your face you mean?
  9. ...lovely... until she opened her mouth and began speaking at which point I wanted to punch her. I know shes only speaking from a script shes memorised but good lord what a load of tripe. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/7554666.stm ...still would tho.
  10. Baj

    The angriest man

    He's from Portsmouth, that behaviour is common place, you even get a medal for your first GBH charge.
  11. I'd just worry that i'll miss something vital to the gameplay.
  12. The cut scenes i expected but its REALLY ****ing me off. You know my family situation and I'm happy if I can fit in an hours gaming in an odd evening, and I dont want to spent 70% watching ****ing cut-scenes... *sigh*
  13. Reckon I should just trade it in now?
  14. And how many hours of gameplay to get there tho....
  15. Whats harder, faking the biggest event of the 20th century infront of billions and making the lie last for 40 years, or actually putting a man on the moon! I think NASA went for the easy option, actually doing it!
  16. Finally sat down to play it, looks ****ing gorgeous, but I just cant be arsed with it... Had a couple of hours play this evening, seriously doubt if ill pick it up again...
  17. You could spend the time ethnically cleansing scousers, i'll help
  18. Hard day?
  19. Equally, faking the photos and not adding the crosses on last. "Dave, DAVE, YOU NOB, YOU PUT THE ****ING ROCKS ON THE PHOTO AFTER THE CROSSES AGAIN!"
  20. I think you forgot the punchline
  21. Baj

    R.I.P Isaac Hayes

  22. Sold, speak to you on pm's mate
  23. This response is the perfect example of mindless idiotic baiting, and the sort of thing we had hoped was on the way out
  24. To expand on the MSN conversation we're having so everyone knows, my DNS servers can't be pinged from UK but can from US. Would say its purely routing, not DNS
  25. We're aiming for seemless match usage, as the subscriptions keep coming in and we know what we can afford then we can aim higher and higher in terms of architecture. As me and granty have said numerous times, we are personally taking NO profit from this, all profit will be reinvested back into providing the users with a better and better experience.
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