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Everything posted by Baj

  1. Benefits of being married to a Belgian, she knows how to cook PROPER fries. Oh, and we always bring back a selection of PROPER mayo from Belgium.
  2. Baj


    Ah right, thatll be a temporary measure to bypass the current encryption, it wont last longer than a couple of months.
  3. postman, Royal Mail, £16,200
  4. Only if that's a typo
  5. Baj


    Im talking about straight decryption, I suspect you're talking about the signal being descrypted and then restreamed via a 3rd party?
  6. Essruus birthday is in March, no doubt this is another act of "crazyness" from our board comedian.
  7. And on behalf of my brother, judging by the supplies i have to take out to Munich twice a year. Jaffa Cakes Jammy Dodgers PG Tips White sliced loaf Cadburys
  8. Lifesavers from the states (parents are back from NY in 3 weeks so I'll get my fix) Currywurst from the SBahn in Marienplatz before a Bayern game, and come to that the Gluhwine they serve on match days when its freezing cold. Kefalonian meat pie. Swedish hardbread and Yogi's (which they started selling here, then stopped again) Belgian horsemeat steaks. (i would say Belgian waffles but there is now a belgian waffle stand in Eastleigh on Saturdays that is as good as the real thing)
  9. That
  10. Whilst no one would wish this on the poor girl (if it's true) and I wish her a full recovery... i did stop and think of how she lives in the public and could die in it as well. Double Plus Good
  11. Good lad.
  12. you could always follow the instructions on the subscription page and email him?
  13. whilst there's always a chance, you're going to send your best athlete "just in case", think of Rooney and Becks in the last 2 world cups.
  14. Grotbags?
  15. Indeed, please email subscriptions@saintsweb.co.uk . I suspect that Steve pays in cheques on a weekly basis and as such is waiting for it to clear.
  16. Inter Breeding
  17. No, to be an arrogant tosser for a second (nothing unusual there) me and granty earn quite enough already that we don't *need* the forum to supplement our salaries. 100% of the profits generated from the forum will be put back into the forum. simple.
  18. Aside from calling us brainless (**** you?) we tried this before an people didnt use it, we keep the forum going because its what the users want.
  19. We aren't lining our pockets, we aren't keeping any profits for ourselves. Do I have to keep saying this or would it be simpler if i just ****ing drew you a picture?
  20. Yes, every match for the last two years. Don't be a moron all your life
  21. Dedications what you you neeeeeeed...
  22. Baj

    Recent views

    79. Quite arrogantly I expected it to be way higher than that :/
  23. No, because we wont be selling the site in a couple of years.
  24. Baj


    Yes, and these systems stopped working about 2 months ago.
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