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Everything posted by bangkoksaint

  1. This.............£13 for my lad and I to watch Witton Albion
  2. This.............£13 for my lad and I to watch Witton Albion
  3. Not surprised. I do quite a few away games and our fans score highly when it comes to being morons. Lost count of the unacceptable behaviour that I see.
  4. Wow!! You Sir should receive a medal for watching any of that again!!
  5. Absolutely ..........fair points made. Out of interest however did you cut and paste from a comment made probably every season for as long as I can remember? It’s just that every season it’s like bloody Groundhog Day!!
  6. Spurs fans appear generally happy with the deal
  7. I remember reading the mini player biography in Shoot/Match years ago when they covered Nick Holmes. When asked his likes/dislikes he said ‘fans who automatically expect autographs’!! Now I’ve never met NH but I’ve always read and heard nothing but positive stories about him but as an impressionable boy this left it’s mark!! On another note I recall often seeing Ken Monkou when he lived in Lightwater. A really nice guy and always had time for a chat.
  8. So are we in trouble?
  9. Being in the NW I’d like to see Preston or Blackburn come up with Leeds and WBA. Going down - any that are a long drive away, so hopefully Villa will stay
  10. Just watched Dominic Raab on TV. He mentioned no football. So if it’s no football it’s no football which will make it very difficult for teams to train and prepare etc. Just waiting now for everything to unravel as it it surely will. Football is not coming back anytime soon
  11. A few weeks ago I did a deal with a dealer for a 12 month old petrol 3 series M Sport Touring - I put a deposit down. It’s specked with professional nav, extended storage, extended lighting, enhanced Bluetooth, a panoramic roof and an electric tow bar. It appeared pretty good value at around £23K for what was a £40K motor last year. Time it appears like a good deal for a highly specked car. Due the virus I’m waiting to take delivery am wondering if prices may come down further. Also does anyone have any idea what sort of economy I’ll get on mixed driving - I do around 12,000 miles a year.
  12. We now have the most deaths in the world bar the USA. Football is not coming back anytime soon
  13. Football and footballers at PL level appear to be wanting to have their cake and eat it. This is personified by Gordon Taylor with his demands and the suggestions he has been making. There are people losing their lives and businesses going to the wall but they appear to not get it. It’s a real crossroads for the PL and if they’re not careful they’ll lose a percentage of the supporter base. I know some on here aren’t lovers of TalkSPORT but this morning on the Jim White show some real sense was spoken by Simon Jordan.
  14. Football won’t be returning this season
  15. I turned over as soon as he started bigging up what an ambitious target they’d set themselves as it was obvious he was about to manipulate the figures. And to think they’re leading our response to this.
  16. BA is just the start. The economy is in free fall and football will be a long way down the pecking order. The FA and PL need to wake up and smell the coffee
  17. Football will not re-start in the near future. When social distancing will still be in the work places and other venues for many months to come it’s impossible for contact sport to start up again just like that. Schools are talking about reduced class sizes for the foreseeable future so the thought of players jostling at corners and having full contact just isn’t going to happen!! I listened to Simon Jordan on TalkSPORT this morning.........whatever you think of him or that channel have a listen and then make up your mind whether you think it’ll start up again.
  18. Until social distancing policies change there will be no football in the UK. The moment the government let football do one thing whilst everyone else does something different will lead to everything that has been achieved so far being undone instantaneously.
  19. I believe I worked out that his ‘track’ is 59M!
  20. Actually it may be worse than that. https://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/premier-league-study-serie-plans-21860476
  21. So they’re suggesting bars and restaurants won’t be open until Christmas at the earliest. You can add sports stadia to that list as well, if true. So is that behind closed doors football or no football until then? By the time we get back to ‘normal’ the football landscape, along with everything else, will look very very different.
  22. Looking at what we know, what’s anticipated and the timescales forget about being in a full stadium much before the 2021/22 season. Then in order to accommodate social distancing stadium capacities may be halved.
  23. All the best to your mum, you and your family at this difficult time.
  24. I go and watch us away now pretty much. We play better and my lad an I get value for money. The prices at home are scandalous - conversely I think Liverpool only charged a fiver or tenner for my lads ticket recently. Oh.......and please don’t give me any of this ‘if you were a proper supporter’ because that’s hogwash. I’m an intelligent man that isn’t totally stupid enough to be brainwashed in to watching Saints serve up drivel every week with the expectation that I will blindly attend games. Our ST sales will plummet next season as will our attendances when we start badly, which we invariably will.
  25. Emperors new clothes
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