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Everything posted by bangkoksaint

  1. Honestly? Having been dicked on Sunday playing how we did with a cup game 3 days later they had 2 days off? I’m sorry but unprofessional doesn’t even begin to cover that and if that’s the mindset then turning us round will be like trying to stop an oil tanker.
  2. We’re clearly not scoring with that attack unless every bit of Russball is ditched
  3. Danny Röhl issues a personal statement saying that he has read the speculation in the press and he understands it is causing worry but thatvnothing whatsoever would tempt him to even consider leaving our club and that he is going nowhere The above was posted on Owls Talk a couple of hours ago
  4. Whoever it is, if we can’t afford £2M compensation for what is arguably one of our most important appointments then we’ve some serious issues going forward
  5. Just gone to purchase a shirt from the Saints store and they wanted to charge top dollar and for postage unless it was over £100. Anyway I checked out the Puma site have an away shirt being delivered before Christmas for £38. They have most sizes and an additional discount code.
  6. You’ve had a late night…….get some sleep, you deserve it!!
  7. Stop being pally and getting them fit are both easy free hits for any incoming manager. It’ll be a shock to a few of them
  8. I’d get rid of those that don’t want to be here next year in January and look at building a spine in the games we have left. Prep is key so let’s not waste it like mad Nate did in the WC break.
  9. Thanks for last season Russ, I’ll always be grateful for that but sadly you were out of your depth in the Prem. Good luck in the future.
  10. Sell out I see 🙄
  11. Suli has done nothing to warrant a place. 🤦‍♀️ 🎲
  12. Thanks. I’d like us to be higher up in some stats that actually matter. It’d give Russ a bit more credibility too. Instead I look at them and think that amongst other things that we could do infinitely better in the basic application of ‘effort’.
  13. I’d love to see the stats if anyone can find anything. This fitness issue has been mooted for a while and the more I watch us the more I’m convinced there’s something in it.
  14. We can but dream….
  15. I did wonder but TBF Brett always looked after himself!
  16. Brett Ormerod………haven’t we got him?!
  17. Only 8 points from safety - how many games will that take, 70?
  18. Dont think home sickness will come into it unless he pines for the South Coast - I do!! With the salary he'll be on and the length of contract he can take his family with him if he and they so chose. When he went to Chelsea that didnt happen and was never likley to given his age and where he was in his develoment.
  19. When does his contract run to? It may well be our hands are tied and he could end up going and having a tribunal set the fee and they never end well.
  20. Fixed it for you………….If we could just get someone who can see that JS is absolutely not player material then that would be a great start.
  21. Absolutely because what we’re enduring isn’t a fight currently it’s a capitulation.
  22. Absolutely because what we’re enduring isn’t a fight currently it’s a capitulation.
  23. I’m not so sure TBF, more likely to be half empty 😉
  24. That’s a sobering statistic
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