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  1. Spot on Turkish. Allow freedom of speech - otherwise no point having a forum.
  2. Look on the bright side - UKIP aren't flying into buildings, blowing people up and poisoning the world with violent extremism
  3. Of course Iraq was a Nirvana on Earth when Saddam was alive - attacking Iranians (iran/Iraq War), Kurds (ethnic cleansing), Kuwaitis (1st Gulf War) and his own people. The only thing stopping Iraq from getting better now is Iraqis.
  4. Funnily enough 10 games was the suggested benchmark for priority in earlier posts. A 'true' fan is difficult to define or agree upon. People confuse this thread as having something to do with how 'true' a fan is when it has nothing to do with it. The current economic model is that people who 'deserve' the seats are the people who pay for them. A ST is by definition a stronger financial supporter of the Club; especially as the tickets are bought up front at risk when the ability to attend is unknown. As a PAYG you can hedge your bets and buy when you know you can attend. You either buy a ticket or not - but don't make out you 'leave' an empty seat as if it was some sort of noble act. Also don't assume that the person a ST brings along is any less of a fan than anyone else sat in the entire ground. By the way, if anyone thinks the discount is great then do the sums - depending on the season it is worth about a 2 game discount. Most ST miss 2 or 3 games per season so buy 19 get one free is not really a reason to buy. Sitting in the same seat is what most people pay for.
  5. first time that someone stopped coming when the Dell closed
  6. Something to aim for. It wont be the first time.
  7. "It's a matter of defining terms. A Christian country as a nation of believers? No. "A Christian country in the sense of still being very much saturated by this vision of the world and shaped by it? Yes." So, he basically says we are still Christian - but not practising in the traditional sense - is that what you were trying to communicate
  8. I have nothing against the Polish but to classify them as all hard working is a little bit racist. I think you will find that access to welfare reduces the work ethic of all nationalities. The first generation of almost all immigrants come from countries where life is tougher and you have to work harder to live at any sort of decent standard. In other words, the integrated children of immigrants will be just like the children of native British when it comes to working hard or going on welfare. I say this first hand as a person born of immigrants growing up in the 1960s and 1970s where my classmates were largely Polish, Italian and Irish.
  9. 42


    So you went from ST holder to the occasional home game? Really? I had you down as an away supporter
  10. You aren't in St Mary's either - much
  11. We try to be Christian - it is still a work in progress
  12. Good one - I did say 'aspire' - I obviously haven't got there yet ;-)
  13. A fair question. 'what would you actually do about stopping the extra 3 billion?' For starters. the UN should adopt a general policy of returning skilled immigrants from the developing world back to their home countries as they need their own young people to stay at home and make their own countries better. After all, we should stop robbing poor countries of doctors, nurses, engineers etc. Then we pour money, education and materials into those countries infrastructures so that they can modernise as efficiently as possible; however, all aid would be conditional on countries adopting population control programmes to stop the poverty cycle. After around 50 years many countries will be looking at the 2 child family model of Europe, North America and Australasia as opposed to the 10 child model of Africa, Asia and South America. This can only be a good thing when coupled with a pollution reduction policy which will complement a global cooling policy. Your solution only tackles the symptoms of a growing carbon footprint - mine tackles the cause as well.
  14. Its OK - your secret is safe with me. You don't have to come to the games to be a fan - honest ;-)
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