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Everything posted by hugh

  1. Sometimes I think that a Twitter style limit on characters per post would be good idea.
  2. Plagiarism. FACT! :smt054
  3. If that is ALL you use MobileMe for than of course there are alternatives. I use an iPhone, MacBook and MacMini and everything I need synchronised is, through MobileMe. The few things that are not done through MobileMe are done through Dropbox, which is free.
  4. hugh

    play radio

    Thought I saw somewhere that the club were negotiating with Radio Solent to do the commentary, starting this Saturday. Haven't seen it confirmed yet though, so presumably negotiations are ongoing.....
  5. Thankyou Duncan for a very interesting, revealing and well written exposé. Confirms uneasy feelings that most had, when that strange unveiling of the so called "money man" took place.
  6. A truly great man. Will be much missed, but leaves a legacy of happy memories. RIP
  7. Maybe you ought to start a new thread, as this one seems to have precious little to do with Stern John! :confused:
  8. hugh


    It's quite clear, if he signs he will either be a professional, or like Pulis ....
  9. Brilliant. This thread is horrifying, amusing and informative, all at the same time. Horrifying that people did not get/understand the Private Eye reference. Hang your heads in shame you heathens. You know who you are. Amusing with the Nick Illingsworth reference, but not surprising, as he does similar work on an almost daily basis. Informative, with Talking Heads revelations. Impressed. Respect. That's what makes coming on here while the youth are at school so rewarding.
  10. hugh


    Hold on, the fat lady hasn't sung yet ......
  11. hugh


    I really hope so. I have seen him described as a nasty little man with a Napoleon complex. Seems pretty accurate to me. Anyway, I can't see him as being a fit with the Swiss way of doing things. Morals, ethics, that kind of thing.
  12. Now THAT would tick all the right boxes for me! The only trouble is, I really can't see that he would want to take a step backwards to us.
  13. I am baffled why people think Strachan will return. There is just no way he would want to return to a club two divisions lower than when he left it. For that matter one or two need to realise that we are a third tier club, and at the moment, not a very good one. Our saving grace is that we have no debt and a wealthy owner. That is not to say that he will throw money at the club. Why should he? Pearson might just be what we are looking for, but for the life of me I cannot see why he would want to step down either. Coppell would have been good and might be good again, but he looked as it he was on the brink of a nervous break down towards the end of last season. I would be delighted if he were to be DOF though. Hoddle is a spent force. End of. Keegan would be good, but I don't think he would be a good fit with our new owners cautious Swiss outlook. So the ONLY realistic choice from the list is Tisdale. Good though I think he is, there must be other choices out there and don't say that dead loss Tony Adams either!
  14. Don't be such a bucket of cold water. Relax, let everyone have their afternoon/evening of fun. After all, we have had what seems like years of misery.
  15. Thankyou for giving us our club and our pride back. May you enjoy many happy and successful years with us.
  16. i thought that it was being reported as a done deal. A done deal to me is contracts with signatures on. So this deal is STILL not closed.
  17. hugh


    There is enough material from the last three or four years of the Saints Saga for at least four books from Hagiology!
  18. I agree alpine. Sale has a track record of being strangely pro-Lowe, so while I think the article is spot on in pointing out the clear conflict of interest here, I can't help wondering just what the feck Lowe is doing behind the scene. Saints recent history has just been a tangle of political machinations and if the Swiss bid manages to complete, perhaps the most welcome thing to look forward to is a break from all that boswollocks.
  19. I don't know, you could ask him. He has been posting on here and the old SainsForever for years.
  20. Are we still getting our Austria's and Switzerland's mixed up (Red Bull=Austrian), or is this a general question?
  21. Go wash your mouth out with a bottle of Listerine extra strong!
  22. Telfer was a footballing God, compared to some of the Billy No Marks that have been pulling on the Saints shirt for the last couple of seasons!
  23. Exactly what I was wondering. I have been out all day and now find that everything is all sunshine and light and I am damned if I can find anything that holds water enough to justify this outpouring of happiness. *shrugs shoulders and leaves*
  24. Something positive? I have really enjoyed BBC's coverage of Glastonbury tonight. Neil Young was top dog. Lily Allen and Lady Gaga tied for the most "interesting" clothing award.
  25. I would like to know who the money man is, but it is not the end of the world that I don't. What I would like to hear though is that Pinnacle have completed the takeover. If it is going to happen, then I guess that tomorrow would have to be the day. *crosses fingers and tapes them in position before going to bed*
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