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Everything posted by hugh

  1. As somebody who sits in block 5, I think Northam has been consistently good this season, considering what we have been watching. Yesterday, I shared their outrage over VAR and Fernandes' goal while waiting for the decision we knew was coming and joined in with their chant of "It's not football anymore". As someone who had to move from the Kingsland to accommodate the away fans, I really doubted that the stadium reorganisation would work, but I have to say that it probably has. Not everything is right yet, the way we walk back to town sees us more often than not walking amongst away fans, which never happened before. Yesterday the Geordies were generally good fun and sympathetic to our plight. That actually made what we had just suffered worse...
  2. I would have thought that after yesterday we would be keen to hang on to Holgate. We have a tough run of fixtures coming up and are probably going to need everyone.
  3. Good choice. Think I will start the series again for the umpteenth time...
  4. Play Lyanco up front...
  5. https://www.lutontown.co.uk/news/2022/november/nathan-jones-southampton/
  6. Good post derry, we can all see what is wrong, but someone needs to grasp the nettle.
  7. hugh

    The Last Post

    Ashamed that we just cannot seem to show any respect at all. Clapping? For F***s sake!
  8. And concede in the final minute .....
  9. hugh


    God, some of our fans need to have a serious word with themselves. Intolerance, impatience and something bordering on xenophobia. The booing yesterday was unforgivable.
  10. Don't get too pleased with life just yet . . . . http://api.viglink.com/api/click?format=go&jsonp=vglnk_14651617548319&key=bbb516d91daee20498798694a42dd559&libId=ip33h78b010004m6000DA9f2wr9ms&loc=http%3A%2F%2Fitsbeautifuloutside.proboards.com%2Fthread%2F19377%2Fdusted%3Fpage%3D4&v=1&out=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.mirror.co.uk%2Fsport%2Ffootball%2Fnews%2Fsouthamptons-ronald-koeman-snub-everton-7998127&ref=http%3A%2F%2Fitsbeautifuloutside.proboards.com%2Fboard%2F3%2Fmain-board&title=It%20Isn%27t%20Done%20%26%20Dusted%20Yet%20%7C%20itsbeautfuloutside%20-%20Southampton%20FC%20Fans%20Forum&txt=www.mirror.co.uk%2Fsport%2Ffootball%2Fnews%2Fsouthamptons-ronald-koeman-snub-everton-7998127
  11. hugh

    Tonny Vilhena

    After that performance on Saturday, I think Cork had made his mind up before the weekend. He couldn't have looked less interested.
  12. hugh

    Tonny Vilhena

    This story has been floating about for a week or so now. Starting to look as though there may be something in it.
  13. Called up for the Italian squad today.
  14. hugh

    PA system.

    Yep, the PA system is rubbish now and has been since the stadium was opened. One day someone might do something about it. Not this season obviously.
  15. I could cope with Lallana and Shaw leaving if Pochettino stays. We need some sort of continuity. The money from the players would go some way towards easing the pain and give the manager something to work with. Added to which the £15M that Redknapp will hand over in exchange for Osvaldo will also help! I am clinging to the hope that the sacking of Dodd and Williams indicates Pochettino wants to bring in more continental coaches at youth level, otherwise that makes little sense to me.
  16. Pardon? Dani's was one of the best individual goals I have seen for years. He left Vincent "The Best Defender In The WorldTM" sat on his backside, having been turned inside out.
  17. Interesting that they now refer to him as the 'Argentine' striker.
  18. Perfectomondo! Can't wait for next Saturday now.
  19. I thought I had a handle on what was going on. Now I find that I haven't a blooming clue. Maybe I will just accept that I will not find out anything, until he actually signs for a club.
  20. Some are just repeating the Star. This 'rejection' is just the Star's say so at the moment.
  21. Just one question. What is the Sun's track record with rumours? it goes against all the other sounds coming out of Italy. If Spurs were seriously interested then there would surely have been flagged up before now.
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=cdxh0fVZ2UQ
  23. Hull Tigers are already known as the Tigers locally, as one of the city's two Rugby League sides is Hull FC (the other being Hull Kingston Rovers), otherwise known as just 'Hull'. It is no big deal. Basically they are formalising something which has already happened locally. It is only news to those outside Hull.
  24. TBH it does seem the sort of thread taylor made for Skates to exploit. In fact my first reaction was that the very first post was a wind-up.
  25. I can't believe nobody picked up on this gem in the story on Bournemouth's web site http://www.afcb.co.uk/news/article/2013-07-31-surman-joins-on-loan-958373.aspx They wish.
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