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swastika eyes

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Everything posted by swastika eyes

  1. Was the 52 scorer an ethnic minority, showed preference to same sex intercourse or disabled in any way ? This may explain it. Employers are under pressure to keep the employee numbers up from these groups in society,and quite rightly too some might argue. Try not to let it get to you. I'm sure that when you get the extra stars on your shirt then you will get a chance on the counter and will be able to say goodbye to the shake machine for ever.
  2. I am hoping to go to Miami Beach in the spring to clear litter of the beaches. This will obviously be of great benefit to the local community and help make the world generally a better place to live in. I am hoping to recycle as much of the litter as possible and therefore help the envirionment and ultimately save the planet. My actions will stop litter being washed out to sea and prevent fish and pelicans from choking and suffering a slow lingering death. I do all of this for the sake of mankind and to help sustain the planet for my children and their children. However this will cost money, i will gladly pay for my own travel to and from the beach on a daily basis but i find myself needing help for my ticket out there and general day to day living expenses, beer and pizzas etc. I hate to ask but if any of you could see your way to helping out then please pm me, oh ****** i haven't even got a fiver for that.
  3. It always annoys me when the media or old ladies in the street come out with phrases like "you can't call people like this football fans ". Of course they are football fans. Just because they like a bit of a tear up doesn't make them any less of a football fan, it just means they behave in different manner to others.
  4. Lol, i remember when you said all that last time.
  5. If the membership included unlimited posts, the facility for pm's, a free drink in a strip club and a money off token at Nevada Bob's then i think more people would subscribe. However unless the management can entice Essruu, Paul Allen, Stu RomseySaint and other banterites back the site on an unrestricted basis the site will continue to drift like flotsam in a sea of turd. You can object to this as much as you like but you know for a fact that its true. You can pinpoint the demise of this site to the day they stopped posting. It's not just the fiver, it's the fact that they don't post anymore. If you dropped the fiver subscription and they still didn't come back it would still be shi-ite. I think you need to face up to the fact that most of you aren't capable of putting spanners like jillstain and the like in their place. Perhaps its that you're not as intelligent as members of banter or maybe it's that you don't have the bottle to be rude to people and mean it (none of that pathetic wink emoticon stuff after calling someone a spastic) Please note i only have one post left today so won't be able to answer all of you spazzers individually.
  6. He sent MB that PM as well but deleted it before MB had opened it ! What a sausage jockey !
  7. Having giving the matter careful consideration i have decided not to pay a fiver to post on here and having visited ohhwhenthesaints will not return there again. OK so it's early days but it really is quite embarrassing and at times Mike it seems like you are answering your own posts. Your thread on here is the most unsubtle of adverts imaginable. The next thing you know there will be that bloke who runs b-anter coming on and saying how there is no rivalry between saints web and http://www.b-anter.co.uk/index.php just to bolster up his traffic.
  8. I just looked at your home page, can you forward me the Greco Roman Naked Mens Wrestling application please.
  9. swastika eyes

    The Smiths

    Certainly top 3 at least.
  10. You have issues that need addressing mate, if that's the worst thing and you hate her ??? I would like to register my support for her, unlike a lot of the ****s on the radio she does appear to have a genuine knowledge and interest in music and the music industry.
  11. Thank Feck for that, just a shame it wasn't a more comprehensive drubbing and he didn't pick up a career threatening injury along the way. Anyone but him.
  12. Not if you are, i'd rather poke my eyes out with a rusty knitting needle.
  13. At least on b-anter you could have told me to fvck off without **** or using a 'v' instead of a 'u' and its all for nothing, and the second insult doesn't actually make sense. You have either either typed an 'r' erroneously on the end of 'you' or you have incorrectly used 'your' when you meant 'you're'. Either way it proves that you are a spacker and is well worth another post to point it out. Spacker.
  14. What is the point in posting and telling people that something isn't working ? Is it so that they can all go and have a look and see it isn't working so they will have seen it not working and can post on a thread about it. Fvck me that is genius and brilliant entertainment. I must pay my fiver and post on more threads with spackers like you.
  15. Whilst i admire your honesty i really don't think that you should post your incestuous habits on the web. And as for marking him out of ten, that is so crass.
  16. Excellent news, glad he's got the sack and glad they are going down into Non League. Nothing Club, never will be, **** fans who think they have some sort of long running rivalry with Southampton.
  17. swastika eyes


    Just been watching a video of Gustav coming over the dykes.
  18. Anyone interested in cam or trading pics ?
  19. Is it wrong to get a stiffy reading this thread ?
  20. Personally i think it's a good idea to always quote someone when using up a post. A long post like this on is even better, that way you get maximum lineage per a post. I would hate to pay a fiver and then just post meaningless replies that just have a silly emoticon.
  21. Jillstain you really do have some serious issues that need sorting if you save emails from Stu and texts from Ess so that you can throw them into the arena and try and points score in an innernet wind up. The phrase "vacuous tart" really could have been invented just for you. Steve and Baj should charge £10 on the understanding that they get you to f.uck off. The queue to sign up would go around St Marys.
  22. Baj, Baj, there is a potential sale here ffs !! Don't antagonise the customer, move in, apologise, laugh a little even, but close the deal !!!! If you don't he could end up reading the Innernet Daily Mail.
  23. Sad things is that you spend a Bank Holiday afternoon on here, have amassed over 5000 posts and on most of them bragged that you knew something first, did something better, had something bigger etc etc. "Bigrollyeyedohforfeckssakenotherwhingingonagainthedozycow" icon
  24. Why does he have 2 birthdays ? Is he The Queen ? Anyway, Happy Birthday.
  25. Could you make it the last ever thread you start please.
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