swastika eyes
75 -
Everything posted by swastika eyes
Stick Brighton in there as well for the south coast yankee.
In fairness that was pretty f*cking good.
We just threw away 2 points and you want to know about the effing server performance ffs !
April 7th at 2200 hrs
I'm sure they are Jews DD but i stand to be corrected. I don't think that you know nothing about this, just very little and only the bits from recent weeks. Why not look back since the creation of Israel and see how they were given approx 55% of Palestinian land in 1947 but now occupy and control approx 80%, mainly because of the land they aggresively stole in the 1967 War. Read up on how they are in breach of UN resolutions yet choose to ignore them them and keep grabbing more and more. Hamas do not want peace with Israel on Israel's terms. The cease fire you refer to was an Israeli announcement not from Hamas. Hamas will only consider a cease fire if Israel withdraw and as they haven't it could be argued that Israel are taunting Hamas into breaking the cease fire in an attempt to try and win back some world wide public sympathy for their disgusting vile evil crimes. Not excuses DD, just reasons.
I see that the Jews are to be investigated to in respect of possible war crimes following their bombing of the UN Base and other attrocities carried out in Gaza. Oh the irony ! Its funny how the abused child often grows up to become the abuser.
Ridiculous analogy. Gaza is not part of Israel whereas Northern Ireland is obviously part of the United Kingdom. The huge majority of people in Northern Ireland want British Government whereas no one in Gaza wants Israeli domination. The British didn't cut off electricity, water, food supplies, medicines etc from the people whereas we can all see what the Jews are doing to Palestine. Northern Ireland is British, Gaza isn't Israeli. The United Kingdom did not breach United Nation resolutions in Northern Ireland, Israel have done for decades in Gaza and the West Bank. You really don't understand this if you think that Northern Ireland is in any way comparable.
Please tell me you aren't serious and this is a wind up ffs !! International Law does not recognise The Bible, why don't you read up on the partitioning of Palestine after World War II instead, it's a little more relevant. And then when you have digested that, read how Israel attacked Egypt in 1967, (no missiles being fired at them then) and stole land from the rightful owners. Read how they have acted in breach of UN resolutions ever since and stole and murdered ever since, how they have turned Gaza into one of the most desperate places on earth by depriving the occupants of basic human needs and how this has bred a faction of peope so desperate that they would rather kill themselves in the name of their beliefs than continue to live in the vile conditions imposed on them by their US backed neighbours. And then, when you have done this and understand it a little better explain it to Dull Days, he really is having difficulty with it.
No idea but i would imagine his name was something like Joshua Reubenstein.
More to the point, didn't the Jews attack Egypt in 1967 and steal the Sinia Peninsula, The Gaza Strip, The West Bank and parts of The Golan Heights ?
and can you wonder why !!! They have continually stolen land and murdered the indigenous Palestinian people for years. ( Hang on, didnt Saddam Hussein do that to the Kurds before the Western World declared War on him and eventually hung him for Crimes against Humanity ) Then they grabbed more, stole more and then killed more. FFS after Israel was created they even carried out terrorist attacks on the British, and the instigators of that went on to run the Country. Israel is a sick vile Country that learnt nothing from its recent history. They were the victims of the Nazis and now they are the bully with no difference in their actions. The world sits by and watches because the Jews run America, their abstention in the UN Vote last night was a sick reminder of this.
UN relief driver shot and killed by Israeli soldiers whilst delivering humanitarian relief in the 3 hr cessation of hostilities. 40 refugees killed in UN school. Israeli forces fail to let Red Cross or Red Crescent attend to wounded and ignore 4 starving children clinging to their dead mothers corpses in contravention of International Humanitarian Law. Who would have thought that the race that was subjected to the evils of Nazism should themselves embrace the spirit of fascism in their desire to crush and kill their neighbours.
What if some Jews stole your land and occupied it ? Would you want a Resistance movement to fire missiles at them or would you just leave it and do nothing. Unfortunately it would appear that your knowledge of the crisis is limited to the last 7 days. Actually it's just limited.
QUOTE=dubai_phil;151263] Was it just me who noticed that this chap seemed to live in an awfully big house? So man in big house tells the poor under-privileged kids how to run their short lives and become suicide bombers....... What the Israeli's are doing is VERY not right, but as others have said, when living next to Lion, don't poke it with a stick, but WHY are they doing the poking still? 2 Things here Phil. 1. He knew his house was about to be missiled and chose to stay there with his family and die a martyr. Not very smart, and a tad selfish too some might say but no double standards as you suggest. and 2. Don't poke the Lion ! Please don't forget that Israel is ILLEGALLY occupying Palestinian land. In World War 2 do you think that the French Resistance should have lived alongside their Lion too or was that somehow different ?
Saw the vile Israeli Foreign Minister, Tzipi Lipni, on the news earlier saying that there is no need for a ceasefire as there is no humanitarian crisis in the Gaza strip. Bit strange that the International Red Cross are saying that the hospitals are overwhelmed and unable to cope with casualties. Israel telling lies ? Surely not - C*nts.
Israel continue to illegally occupy Palestinian territory and also contravene International Humanitarian Law in respect of the land it is occupying and the manner in which it is targetting civilians in Gaza. Would you not expect Hamas to retaliate against Israel in an attempt, futile as it may be, to win back land that is lagally and historically theirs. Land that is recognised by International Law and the UN Security Council. If your land was taken illegally and aggressively would you not try and get it back ? Israel will get away with this because it is inextricably linked with the United States, there are far too many high ranking Jews in the USA brokering all manner of deals between their Countries, including Military Aid of $3 Billion a year. They should be forcibly removed from land that belongs to Palestine, without that their will never be peace in the region.
Not really a Happy New Year for those in the Gaza strip being systematically murdered by Israel whilst the world stands by and watches. No other Country in the World would be able to get away with it but because the Jews virtually run the United States there is a deafening silence.
Jordan Robertson - Going down big-time...
swastika eyes replied to alpine_saint's topic in The Saints
Alain you really shouldn't admit to that on this thread, this one's about Saints related driving. -
In fairness the racism and bigotry was just a small percentage, well quite small, medium shall we say. There was still plenty of space to rip into mongs like Jillstain and Crouchie, Mincers like Robsk , and people educationally less advantaged than b-anterites like all of you on here. There was even travel tips and advice and a free private messaging service.
1. He's not jacking it in , he's jacking it off. 2. If you looked twice in 5 years you are not qualified to comment so keep your opinions to yourself. 3. God forbid 4. Correct with one but not the other, i'll leave you to work it out. 5. That would be called a vanishing thing. The reason Ess pulled the plug was because it was his round at the Saints Fun Christmas meal. C*nt.
Whilst we only have your word that you are in fact free from debt i am prepared to give you the benefit of the doubt. You may wish to try either of these email addresses jshaw@rossendales.com or info@rossendales.com
Yes, i knew someone once who said he had influenza when it was just a cold, i was furious, and another time someone claimed to have diarrhoea when it wasn't really much more than loose bowel movements. Why do people do this ??
Rod, please don't tip the driver. Should you feel that the service was however worthy of some extra remuneration please pass £5 to Granty and enrol Ess as a fully subscribed member of the £5 scum. That way you will be able to pm him direct without the services of his rent boy Bateman.
1. People who post messages saying that they have become parents. I dont care, i dont know you i'm not interested. Posting that you have become grandparents is even more ridiculous, cringeworthy and sickening. 2. People who reply to "I have just become a parent/grandparent" saying "oh well done, congratualtions" . You don't mean it so why say it. 3. Having to take a blue pill to get a hard on one hour before sex. 4. Premature ejaculation. 5. Those little insects that live in my pubes and around the base of my shaft just under the skin. 6. Porn clips without the money shot.