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swastika eyes

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  1. swastika eyes


    I would agree with that, although I did see someone with a mug of hot Bovril that looked handy.
  2. I cringed when i saw the tw*ts on the top tier doing it. I was so glad i was lower down in the more expensive seats. Statistically the cheaper the seat the more likelihood of face paints, mexican waves, jesters hats etc. Always worth spending the extra few bob.
  3. I really don't get the people that don't. Maybe you think our "big" game should be the Southend love in.
  4. I rather suspect that you may be wrong. I'm sure that amongst that crowd of Saints 'fans' you would have found men with high IQ levels, jobs with responsibility and of varying ages. Maybe your wife was wrong too.
  5. I can afford it, and therefore I do.
  6. On Deano's girlfriend ? What a slut !
  7. Have you thought about getting a new girlfriend, someone who lives in the circulation of the Football Pink ?
  8. Why would Danny Wallace scratch Lowe's name out ? There has got to be far bigger suspects than Danny ?
  9. swastika eyes


    I see the Jews are at it again. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/8180413.stm Evil ****s.
  10. Would you be interested in selling the tickets for Turkey and keeping the Swindon ticket ? Whereabouts in Turkey ? Do you have flight details etc ?
  11. Ess please promise me there is no place for Jillstain.
  12. Tim, please don't call it a PK, it ain't soccer mush !
  13. So we all unite under one banner but only a few people are allowed to know what's going on. Yeah i can see this working.
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