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The Watcher

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  1. Sorry to offend you gents but, it was just that an opinion- the same as you've got the right to express at any given time. My only admission is that I think, and hope to be proven wrong, is that NA might find the Premiership tougher to manage in than Cortese believes.
  2. Source? It is like all the half baked crap on here, merly an opinion. But I would guess if Saints start badly then Cortese would be looking around, Source? His much heralded "hard man" business ethos.
  3. Again, read the OP, I have concerns FOR Adkins, he has may become a victim of his own success in the next six months. Cortese will have looked at Norwich and Swanse and decided anything less than mid table is not acceptable.
  4. Read the thread, the point I am making is that Adskins is suddenly in a no win situation through his success, Cortese thinks getting promoted is a cinch. Still stick by Pardew doing an equal, or better, job
  5. I've got real concerns for and about about this guy. Our current position not withstanding, he rarely has a plan B, has bought poorly - Saints' success so far has largely been down to either players brought by Pardew or were already in situ- and is undeniably under Cortese's instructions for each and every action that he implements. You can not help but feel sorry for a boss who if Southampton fail to get promoted will be hung out to dry by his chairman or, if succsseful, will be three Premiership defeats away from the sack at any given time should Saints go up. When Adkins was first touted, we had highs for his independence as he reporedly refused to leave S****horpe without them being properly rewarded but since then has made a bit of an ass of himself through his Pollyanna interviews and twee phases. London to a brick implies he is setting himself up badly here. Before the knockers start, of course I want Saints to go forth and prosper, but the team would definiely be no worse off if Pardew was still in charge.
  6. Recently discovered that, as far as outright betting is concerned, there has been more money for the away team winning at SMS this season than for Saints. With away suport pretty minimal, a lot of supporters must be having a covert punt on the opposition. For the record, the awful scorecasts remain the most popular punt.
  7. Raffle prizes include a signed ball along with the obligatory beer and spirits.
  8. Former Saints and England midfielder and radio summariser David Armstrong is hosting a Q and A Evening at the Royal British Legion, Upper Deacon Road, Thornhill Park, Soton on Thursday 19th March. He - along with former radio sidekick Peter Hood - will also be compering a short quiz with cash prize for winning team. Cheap beer too. Kicks off around 8-15 p.m.
  9. Get your facts right mate if you are going to have a pop at people. It is ridiculous to suggest that Simon Carter has never been to St Mary's. I've been in his company there on many occasions. Judging by several of your - normally sound - posts, you obviously have or like to think you've an inside line with the local media. Therefore, I am quite surprised you have made such a blunder on this one.
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