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Everything posted by dickyhale

  1. Christ what a game!!!!! 465 miles round trip got home 12.30...Stood all game got in had to take a LYRICA tablet for my PN in my feet. Back to work Monday 10 am did not wake up till 3.30 pm Everyone at work said said it will be like the Alamo (FFS). One of the best away day ....COYR
  2. Think city will beat us 2-1 off work tomorrow going down to buy a ticket for Sunday COYR
  3. dickyhale


    I used to take my car there.Always a good price and the guy used to be a season ticket holder always give you a few quid off if you said that
  4. The whole family seem abit odd.....
  5. I tried to renew my ST online could not log in had to go to St Marys to have password reset. Anyway al sorted now
  6. Yes if you know the weight and carat. She did not have a clue had earings with gold coins in some bloke on a horse fighting a dragon. (a gift from her Nan, said they were too heavy for her ears)
  7. My wife had a load of old gold "tat she thought".A pair of earings with gold coins,broken chains,bracelets, odd earings. Sent to this company she rang them up and they sent a Specail delivery envolpe and paid cash staright into her bank. She was amazed by the money they paid nearly £1500-00. We did not have a clue what the items were worth.This is the company she used. A real safe and honest service http://www.howcashforgold.co.uk
  8. He needs to get his barrister to go for "Leave to Appeal" and get the whole case rolling. Maybe his legal team have already got the wheels in motion.
  9. Raspberry
  10. Innocent until proven Guilty Meaning The legal concept that the guilt of an accused person cannot be presumed and that they must be assumed to be innocent until proven otherwise. As stated above by Gemmel I would not like to apper in front of a Jury with Saint Armstong sat on it..........
  11. DONE your money.....Better luck next time.....
  12. Brighton 10/11 Plymouth 10/11 Palace 11/12 but my all time favourite on a personal note was Walsal December 09/10...That thing l married said put £20 on Collonolly to score first and Saints to win 3-1. Got 66-1 for that and lucky l doubled up got a wacking £2680 for forty quid
  13. It must be true as there are NO liar's on this forum just dreamers....The bookies dont seem to think so...... http://www.oddschecker.com/football/football-specials/liverpool-specials/next-permanent-manager
  14. Same l live number 10 so a good shout COYR....
  15. Fair play too those that done the 18 hours round trip on the Bingo buses......All this rubish about poor support and fancy dress by so called fans who hide behind their keyboard...COYR
  16. If you need a lift l going up have 2 seats free cheers Martin PM me leaving from Shirley area
  17. What a SHOCKING game..... Had a great weekend in Blackpool... But a terrible drive home today (M6 was more shocking then Saints had a few accident) even bet Lambert to score first still money back their.... Back to work tomorrow so a few Heinekens before bed.............COYR
  18. Same hope they stay up, also Swansea and Arsenal
  19. dickyhale


    "hear, hear "
  20. Shocking
  21. Just got home lefted at 7.30..... Nearly 7 hours road were dreadful nearly span the car. Roads were total ungritted saw 2 grit trucks the whole way home M40 and A34
  22. Just got home lefted at 7.30..... Nearly 7 hours road were dreadful nearly span the car. Roads were total ungritted saw 2 grit trucks the whole way home( M40 and A34)NIGHTMARE
  23. I've got 2 season ticket numbers if needed just pay cost of tickets and pick up from Foys corner (Shirley)
  24. Yes will be driving up. 4 off us going up...........
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