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Everything posted by dickyhale

  1. i was there at ten to 3. nothing was there there was no flowers no songs or nothing. just a couple of away fans chanting and laughing at us. i have a picture of before the game. im going to post it on here for prove: there was nothing near the ted bakes at the time. picture taking at 10 to three. some people think southampton is the land of milk and honey, but its NOT. people seem to write what they want on here. i think they should get struck of here. we dont need a fourms full of stupid people trying to waste other peoples time. he just thinks he can start these marches and protests. he WRONG he dont deserve to be a member on these fourms.
  2. Graeme Souness
  3. No (x2 season tickets child and adult) But may pay for the odd game or so see on the price
  4. Think Leon will have a big say on administration as Lowe and Jelly fish could not match his 2 million. Lowe and Jelly fish all flash NO cash
  5. We are driving up (hope no snow)
  6. True make them do a home game or two. You have to buy at least a home game with a FA cup ticket. Dont know the the other two people so cant say about them. Sorry Boony.
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