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Lunatic Fridge

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  1. Do you know for the first time in all my years of support I could not care if they put 8 past us. Its too late for sentiment - get all this shyte out of the club. Roll on Saturday!
  2. Passion for who- do me a favour. His only passion is his own/voice and pro-Lowe garbage which he unfortunately posts on here ad nauseam.
  3. Try asking the CEO's of Arsenal, Manure, Liverpool or even Pimpey - you might find the answer- Muppet.
  4. So the ONLY course of action is to stay with RL. You mean the same cretin who has failed us twice. What planet are you on MM - or sorry is it Rupert? And "protests etc will have no effect" - just you wait and see chummy boy!
  5. Whats it to do with you? Answer your own dumb questions.
  6. Absolutely with you Beatlesaint. Illingworth and his cronies have had ample opportunity to get off the fence in recent years and be constructive. Every interview as "spokesperson" of Saints support I have seen makes lame excuses for Lowe and his actions. Time to exit stage left Nick - events have overtaken you.
  7. Toatlly crass. How the hell can you defend the guy's absence when he has such influence over players, team selection etc etc etc. If you cannot see the time for jerking yourself off with convoluted defence of the Lowe Disunited regime and realise that things need to get nasty to effect the change that is required NOW - I feel sorry for you.
  8. A great letter - but events have moved on now beyond letters and emails. It now has to get nasty. It is the only reaction these drones running SFC will understand. It has happened at other clubs across Europe and it will have to happen here if you want a satisfactory conclusion to this dire state of affairs.
  9. Sorry but you and Berk Saint are missing the maint point. You and he support a football club - not one team. The problem is that this club is being destroyed by one man - a disease which we have to be rid of until things will be remotely as they once were. Given the disasters caused by Lowe how can you possibly say you are neither for or against Lowe - this is naivety in the extreme. What other chairman dabbles, interferes and divides like the cretin we have at SFC. What you witnessed yesterday will continue until either Lowe disappears or the club dies completely. I too have been supporting this club for 40 years, having been originally from London and watching teams in the capital. But I came to Saints because they were "different", their ground, their support. Saints supporters are undeniably the most patient, good natured and the most humorous supporters. If you had travelled to many away games over the past 40 years you would know this. But there is a point at which you cannot continue screw your own support. This moment has arrived and if you really cannot face the outcome of the current disasters caused by Lowe then stay away like the other 15,000 of us who want to be rid of the disease asap.
  10. The events of today should provide little surprise. Lowe has managed to **** off probably 30-40,000 saints supporters, he has in fact made our lives pretty miserable to say the least. Anyone who is responsible for such should heed the misery he has caused and the inevitable feelings expressed at SMS today. FFS even the likes of Calderon at Real Madrid know when their time is up - otherwise they have to put up with all the nastiness that will come their way. Lowe has always got off lightly - due you think he would have survived in a Spanish or Italian club environment - not for 5 minutes if he valued his well-being.
  11. Teams who have changed their manager all appear to be winning - now what a surprise. And Delap has scored for Stoke - seem to recall great judges of footballers on this site continually abusung the guy. Now one of the most feared players in the Prem! We're now a club of Donkeys run by Donkeys.
  12. Quite wrong. NF was the first (and possibly the last!) game my wife and I have been to this season. I had no wish to see Manure - what was the point - it was meaningless in terms of our season and I can watch MU every week on TV if I was inclined to. In any case in my 40 years of supporting Saints I have seen us turn them over numerous times - and being turned over ourselves in more recent seasons in the Prem. Get Lowe out and "I. will return" more often
  13. Quite so, but it just confirms his complete ignorance and distaste for Southampton Football Club.
  14. A Hornsey Saints fan?? Living near Tottenham and only posted twice!! Not the broker by any chance? Initials GM par chance?
  15. But it just emphasises that other "so called" relegation contenders can get a result by some hard work and a degree of nounce. Whereas we have neither and our clueless management just stumble from one game to the next making the same crass mistakes. Face it we are f**ked and prepare yourself for Div 3.
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