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Massimo Osti

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Everything posted by Massimo Osti

  1. LoL at this....pure Farce!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. No mate not brilliant, but just a bloke who is a supporter of his club through good times and bad. See you on tues and at Watford on Sat will we???? I doubt it to be honest, to busy whinging on here I would think. Get a life pompy boy
  3. To all you w*nker sh!te fans who didnt go, You missed a good game. ****s
  4. You thought wrong there then. The Shirt was available with or without Rank Zerox on the front as when we were on the TV shirt sponsers were not allowed then.
  5. We spoke to Jack in DG4 after the game, A really nice lad . He said he wants to stay but realisticly I for one cant see Chelsea allowing him to perform in this circus much longer. He has a very bright future. do we honestlt belive our current team/possition/board etc is the ideal situation for the boy to learn his trade?
  6. David you are an over rateted gimp mate, You have not and will never performe at this or any pro league level. Get a job in Mc Ds and a bench place at Bashly you chimp.
  7. Yes sorry ,but nice try mr porta but today you really are the weakest link. CheeryO
  8. Leave it be !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. I will second that
  10. 1-First game v ManU 1979/80 with my grandad 2- Walking through the turnsliles in the milton and looking down at that lush green oasis 3-Waiting in the carpark for the away teams coach and getting players to sign your program, not knowing who the f*ck most of em were. 4- Getting down the front in the new milton and picking the rubber lagging on the rail ontop of the wall. 5-Keegan sighning for us on the pitch!!! huge day for a saints fan. 6-silk scarfs and wrist fandannglers. 7- The Archers pens with the little tunnel seperating us amd them , it was great going "up the Archers" and never knowing how many they would bring , older by now!!!!!! 8- The Birmingham pitch invasion 1989?????? 9-Alan Balls last game. 10- Pringle jumpers , pepe jeans , patrick kagools, deck shoes , shell toes, forest hills, sergio tachine tops, lacost t shirt nicked off a gobby scouser, looking like a golfer/ronnie corbet, lyle & scot first time round when it really was trendy!!!!!!
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