1-First game v ManU 1979/80 with my grandad
2- Walking through the turnsliles in the milton and looking down at that lush green oasis
3-Waiting in the carpark for the away teams coach and getting players to sign your program, not knowing who the f*ck most of em were.
4- Getting down the front in the new milton and picking the rubber lagging on the rail ontop of the wall.
5-Keegan sighning for us on the pitch!!! huge day for a saints fan.
6-silk scarfs and wrist fandannglers.
7- The Archers pens with the little tunnel seperating us amd them , it was great going "up the Archers" and never knowing how many they would bring , older by now!!!!!!
8- The Birmingham pitch invasion 1989??????
9-Alan Balls last game.
10- Pringle jumpers , pepe jeans , patrick kagools, deck shoes , shell toes, forest hills, sergio tachine tops, lacost t shirt nicked off a gobby scouser, looking like a golfer/ronnie corbet, lyle & scot first time round when it really was trendy!!!!!!