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Massimo Osti

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Everything posted by Massimo Osti

  1. It would be good if someone put you out ................
  2. 1 - NO 2 -Not really, its to busy. Find a quiet backwater and fish from the bank. 3 -Sit inside your boat and vow never to do this type of holiday again, then get some summer sun brochures and "look at how the other half holiday", then get a map of Norfolk and see if you can find any bits of river that you can actually see anything other than the raised flood defence banks.
  3. Never really looked at the football scene in Bournemouth other than seeing a few cherrrys "alternative element" in the bar med there a few years back and the same minded followers who seemed to appear in the eagle post match a few times 3/4 seasons ago. But today having not gone to Kent to get rained on I took advantage of a break in the cloud to have an hour or so with my nipper on the beach and also hook up and have a beer with some Stoke lads I know well from my England away travels. Awayday wise the place really does seem to draw mixed reviews, in that on a nice warm weekend it offers a good lads "beano" away type break. But as a matchday drink its seen by peeps in the know as a non starter i:e you cant get a drink anywhere near the ground and the OB are really heavy handed before during and in the evening after a game. Probably in the same way that the Dorset Constabulary are far more likely to do you for speeding as they have a much larger traffic budget due to having no motorway to police on there beat they also only really have one football team to worry about . Vale took allot of lads down today and were drinking in the moon under the water wetherspoon pub , an Irish place in the precinct and in the O'Neils up further up towards the ground. It was this pub we were in about 3 seasons ago when we had the midweek friendly/ish game. Many did not have tickets and saw the game as a weekend away on the lash, I can see our away tie being played midweek evening time as the return trains aren't the best but we will undoubtedly take big numbers so will at least get a drink as the OB will definitely want us all in one area. Stoke lads who did have tickets seemed to drift off in twos and threes and get taxis upto Dean Court ala Reading / Milton Keynes. All in all at looks like an anti climax will be had in respect to our visit unless of course the bingo buses , a packed lunch, and a can of tizer appeal ;-}
  4. The best thing about it is this thread! ousting the T!ts on here who live local but dont go!! WTF are you all about?? you spout on about all sorts of old tosh on here but dont go to the really important or maybe any games!!! What are you all about??? Have you no life?, will your wife not let you out? do you spout false sh!te on other interest forums? Do you feel you are needy of a JPT trophy final ticket but cant get one?? LMFAOAY...........................
  5. Little old ladys should not use the terrace, seats were available.. Hope she is ok this morning and washes the shirt by hand so the signature does not come off
  6. Gosport Pompey scum, sent from the Heart of Southampton
  7. Canal St is your best bet for a night out my old mate, Also look out for nasty men dressed in black.
  8. EastleighgayBoy , why are you getting involved? you didnt even go to Wembley did you?? get a lfe you to33er. Have a look at yourself mush , you seem to live on here posting tosh 24/7 Get a life you utter sad sad Tit.
  9. Just need to hope it not raining!!!!!
  10. It could well be that out of the 44K going on Sunday only a handful look/post on here??? Despite what many on here think this site is not the voice of the majority or indeed the voice of St Marys or indeed anything other than a group of individuals that indeed do think they are "The voice of the supporters". Saints Forever this forum is certainly not! Many of the outspoken fools who spout off on here will undoubtedly be posting on the pre match thread on Sunday afternoon , Bemoaning the fact they have no ticket etc etc and then offering analysis on a team and indeed a game they really don't know much about. See you in London on Sunday the real followers. We know the pubs away from Wembley where we will be in for pre match beers and a get together. The old saints grape vine and jungle drums have been very active over the last two weeks , if your not there then you realy don't deserve to be to be honest! Get down the local and cry into your beer with one eye on why you never got a ticket ?????? COYR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. who really cares , lets be honest FFS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Looking at the TFL web site you seem to be spouting old tosh mate.? Why is this? Can you explain why your creating panick??
  13. Dirty Place , Dirty ignorant natives. Go to Cuba its great..
  14. I only asked the going rate FFS?? Surely the real fellow "saints fans" either have an ST or could be bothered to go home and or away to the JP games or indeed if not got on the phone and really tried actually got one?? We did get 44000 after all? I would think if not then they could all at least get together in the carpark at SMS and listen to it on Solent??? Same old Plastics Always Whining, Keep the faith..... COYR
  15. I may have a spare behind the goal, whats the going rate?
  16. Just said on the news we will have no sponser on the shirt next season.. Club to do a 125 year shirt.
  17. Most people on here hardly ever go to the match so not sure you will get the answer you are looking for? Better of speculating on the starting 11 for the swindon home game...
  18. Well have obviously not gone to many away games then ??? Can pretty much guess you wont be ther tonight either as it would interupt coming on here spouting off total tosh like your statement above..
  19. Just got 8 in the home end via the city website ticket agent.
  20. You hide it well then.
  21. Are you a bit thick??
  22. Agree totally! If you need to cry at work you are either Sh1t at your job, out of your depth, an emotional wreck who needs time off or All of the above. Deal with it or work in an environment more suited to your failings!!
  23. Hope so.. F$ck off Mate , we only want committed team players not gypsy traveller types
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