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Everything posted by Nexstar

  1. Recently watched: American Beauty - Not one I'd seen before. Very good film, that has so many layers of deeper meaning. 8/10 Captain Phillips - Absolutely gripping, the way it goes it's quite incredible it's a true story. 8.5/10 The Kings of Summer - Bit of a boys' own adventure. Easy watching. 7/10 Wolf of Wall Street - I know it's Scorsese but there were marked similarities to Goodfellas. Particularly in the delivery and storyline. It's effectively a white collar Goodfellas. Shame it was pretty much 3 hours, though. 7.5/10
  2. Wayne Thomas plays for Tamworth and is a youth coach at Stoke.
  3. Didn't see Cortese there, make of that what you will.
  4. Not a bad idea from Blatter, but wouldn't this just result is far harder tackles throughout the game?
  5. Not been there, but has the look of Turf Moor?
  6. Well maybe you should revisit Spain
  7. I'll leave it for a bit before a bigger clue. Fallen from grace recently, effectively did a Wolves.
  8. Not Holland or Eastern Europe
  9. It is Braga, happy days!
  10. Looks like the ground with a cliff at one end and the concourse underneath. Team though... Is it Braga?
  11. Brunton Park, Carlisle.
  12. Oh no, some completely irrelevant stats....aaaahhhhhh!
  13. Video worked fine for me. Don't have to be an expert lip-reader to understand that one.
  14. On the same thread which you say which should sell Osvaldo, who couldn't play today. Brilliant
  15. Haha.
  16. Think he's had plenty long enough to show a bit more than just desire.
  17. Impressive how many times he was able to lose the ball in the time he was on.
  18. These injuries are rapidly killing our season off.
  19. Lallana and Chambers were excellent. Fox was his bang average self. Hooiveld is utter crap at this level. We have 0 strength in depth for CB. Ramirez needs to stop thinking he's the world's best player, he's a hell of a long way from living up to that pricetag. Lambert looked like he was carrying around 3 extra stone today, slow as anything. Played far too much long ball and then stupid constant cross-field balls which could be seen about a week before they were made. Full squad and we would have won, but we should have got at least a draw with the 18 players available. Hopefully this is the slap round the face MP needs to stick by Fonte and at least take a glance at the transfer window for defensive cover.
  20. Cheers
  21. Pretty sure quite a few pubs ask to show your match ticket before entry.
  22. Any suggestions of pubs that allow both sets of supporters? Meeting a Spurs fan before the game
  23. Don't buy it then.
  24. Please post this on every build-up thread from now until the end of time. Thanks.
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