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The Worm

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Everything posted by The Worm

  1. bet your mortage on a PC release
  2. metal gear ac!d for the Iphone
  3. i think when i played it i stuck with a silver longsword and armor from a imperial city guard that i killed untill i got a Katana later in the main quest.
  4. dont go too far into the main quest as its quite short, explore a bit
  5. had it for a while, was ok at the start but lost intrest in it
  6. only rpg games i can think of are oblivion and fallout 3, both use 1st person view. but on fallout 3 you can "pause" the combat and select areas to target which are automaticly shot at.
  7. i was in the beta for a few weeks, the game had potential back then. has it been officialy released yet?
  8. The Worm


    installed cod5 onto my hard drive, no disc noise now
  9. no problems for me, although i did have some problems last night
  10. nope, expecting it today, looks like i wont get it till tommorow though
  11. were not in London
  12. what about Bruce Rioch? been sacked by Aalborg
  13. the rumor was we would sell him to Arsenal two seasons after buying him
  14. so lowe has been kicked out of the white house?
  15. http://community.sigames.com/showthread.php?t=55230
  16. found a little mini fm09 demo editor, now i can check up the PA of anyone in the demo database.\\:D/ my FML youth team is going to be immense
  17. i have Schneiderlin on the beta right now, but his technical stats dont seem to be going up but he has 10 green arrows on his mental stats
  18. i just got Carlton Cole on loan
  19. will be buying lallana, Schneiderli and Gasmi on my FML game then
  20. George Burley to Portsmouth please
  21. a point if we are lucky against Coventry, but other than that its losses all round from me
  22. a point away to sheffield united is a good result
  23. i take a step to the right or left then tap it into the corner
  24. 09 databse is already done, been playing it on FML beta
  25. anyone know how to get a BAP team assigned to a league?
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