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Everything posted by fos1

  1. He was sat next to Lowe as far back as Doncaster away in directors box !!
  2. Me to that would be fun and closer the the action !!
  3. I agree to make full impact has to be done earlier as Lowe and Wilde guests arrive !
  4. Why have you spoken to Exit2 then as I thought he disclosed the SISU letter first !!!
  5. This is complete rubbish, but saying that if we continue the way we are going and get relegated then that is a totally different story !! That is why we need change at the top, and we need it quick we cannot continue with Lowe, Wilde and the Dutch idiot otherwise it will be too late !!
  6. 100% CORRECT NO OTHER CHOICE AT CURRENT TIME, we either back change ie bring Crouch in or stay as we are with Lowe and Wilde and the Dutch idiot, if that happens then we go down and into administration I know which one I would prefer !!
  7. Steve you really do need to wake up and smell the coffee, you say you want all three gone, so who do you suggest then? out of the three of them only one person I believe should be in control even if it is only until the end of the season to get us out of this mess that Lowe and Wilde have caused. Also only one of them will put up personal money to save our club all Lowe has ever done is take money out !! as you well know. If its a case of us going to the wall or Crouch saving us and putting an English manager in place who has contacts in the English game, and it allows us to bring some loan signings in to help us climb the league, then yes I am 100% behind him and I know I am not the only one !! For you to turn around and say about mates and you dont give a stuff I really expected better of you Steve thought you were probaly above all that rubbish but eh never mind !!!
  8. I don't think I've suggested otherwise. All I've suggested is that Crouch, in my personal opinion, is not someone I would want to see replacing him. So you are saying you would rather continue with Wilde and Lowe and this stupid dutch idea!! Steve you are really are losing my respect, because if this continues we are not only going to be relegated we are also guranteed to go into administration, if you are happy for this to happen then carry on with your views, you will then get what you sew !!!
  9. Steve please see my reply also, on thread 23 that you dont seem to have replied to?
  10. Spot on, every right to be angry after spending his money and having to listen to the rubbish that Lowe was spouting. Lowe set the tone for the AGM when the first thing he did was read a supportive letter out from his mum !!!!
  11. I am twisting nothing Steve, I would say 98% of the room stood up when asked if they had no confidence in Lowe My only agenda Steve as you well know is to remove Lowe once and for all from our football club before he takes us further down the leagues Perhaps you should come off the fence before its too late !! You might say thats crap Steve but I personally did not wish to listen to a man who has not got a clue what he is doing and is completely out of his depth and I know for a fact is only allowed to do what Lowe tells him I believe Crouch had a right Steve to be angry after spending his hard earned money on shares and Lowe blowing it on this stupid Dutch experiment !! I wonder if you would have just sat and took that rubbish that Lowe was spouting if it was you that had spent the money !! Wake up Steve Lowe has to go
  12. Steve you are wrong 20-30 people!! I would say almost the whole room with the exception of 1-2 people, I am sure this will be backed up by other people who attended the Agm People left the room as it was not fair to call Poortvliet a man clearly out of his depth into a room with Lowe talking such rubbish, the letter he started with, set the tone for the whole AGM !!
  13. Difference being we had Saga and John still at the club !! when Lowe let John go who did we have left ??
  14. Steve most people these days can be contacted by other means, and to wait two weeks could be too late !! Its not next Saturday but the following one !!
  15. Spot on, yes it is true that he opposed Euells signing on massive wages, this was signed off by Hone and Wiseman !! Duncan Holly will back this up.
  16. I really think Nick should be asking his members how they feel about the situation at the club, not saying how he feels personally ! He is chairman of The Trust so members should be balloted as to the way forward for the Trust. I have heard that they have called a meeting before the Swansea game in The King Alfred !! Nothing like moving quickly !!!!!
  17. Thats the fella
  18. Sorry Bob see what you mean , no its the guy in front row third from the left he is the person I have seen in directors box home and away
  19. The guy next to the lady I have seen in the directors box at games home and away he is always sat next to Lowe or Wotte
  20. The best time to make a protest that would catch the eye of the 2 chairmen is around 1pm which is when the pair usually turn up for home games. A coffin placed outside reception say at 12:45 would really unnerve them, especially Wilde who was so rattled by the demonstrations on Saturday he left the ground 20 minutes before the end. You wouldn't want him next to you in the trenches - that's for sure. A sizeable crowd outside would make it awkward for the two men to find their way in and if a coffin barred the way I can see the photo in the Echo now.
  21. The best time to make a protest that would catch the eye of the 2 chairmen is around 1pm which is when the pair usually turn up for home games. A coffin placed outside reception say at 12:45 would really unnerve them, especially Wilde who was so rattled by the demonstrations on Saturday he left the ground 20 minutes before the end. You wouldn't want him next to you in the trenches - that's for sure. A sizeable crowd outside would make it awkward for the two men to find their way in and if a coffin barred the way I can see the photo in the Echo now.
  22. Did someone say with seven players under the age of 22 !! not too sure on this ?
  23. Spot on, give way move aside let Crouch back in even if short term, get the Dutch idiot out English manager in, couple of decent loan signings bring one of our strikers back ! fans get behind the team and lets see if we can survive all for 2million !!!!
  24. Steve who knows that they have not put pressure on Lowe and Wilde to negotiate !!
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