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  1. Yes got married in Poole yesterday
  2. Thought I explained to you those comments in a personal phone call !! Obviously you have short memory , so perhaps it's you that is clueless !
  3. I have 2 tickets available in West Ham end if anyone looking for tickets
  4. I have one spare ticket for Everton of anyone needs one my email is daveford76@btinternet.com
  5. I have one spare ticket for Everton ?
  6. Great day yesterday in box , shame our bets didn't come off yesterday , funny how we were talking about this bet before the game !!
  7. The look on the Scotsmen face was a classic !
  8. They didn't have enough money to pay us at the ground had to wait till Monday to claim it , great day out Duncan !
  9. fos1

    Matt Jarvis

    Matt Jarvis has just had a house built in London ! So defiantly moving south !
  10. Don't think this is true Doyle is injured & Wolves have no back up, Ebanks is training as if he will replace Doyle on Saturday !
  11. Spot on 100% correct !
  12. fos1


    I can confirm that NC was indeed in the Dell bar after the game he was wearing a suit with trainers !! And drinking half a lager ! He had his picture taken with several fans.
  13. Have not had the call yet from the chosen one !!!
  14. Fit and ready if required mate !!!! Marathon completed and £2,000 so far raised for the charity "The Foundation study of infant death" FSID for short !!
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