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The Red Bag

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Everything posted by The Red Bag

  1. I thought we played an orthodox 4-4-2 until we scored the first goal. After that McGoldrick dropped in behind Robertson
  2. Where do the Academy play their home games? Is it at Marchwood? Does it cost anything for a ticket? Can we just go along?
  3. The whole point of starting this thread was to try and point out to those fans that were starting threads about wanting Wolves to win etc that they really aren't helping. The amount of replies accsuing me of being a PR plant, being Rupert Lowe himself, being a Pompey fan were surprising to say the least. I'm all for having a debate and see no reason why these sort of replies help in any way.
  4. Adam Lallana, Drew Surman, Morgan Schneiderlin, David McGoldrick, Olly Lancashire....you find me a team outside the Premiership with a better set of youngsters. We are one year into a long term plan of investing in our academy with the aim of being the number one club for bringing through quality young players. I'd certainly think thats a positive move compared to paying over the odds for foreigners who couldn't give a stuff about Southampton Football Club.
  5. Thank You. Completely agree with you.....well said!
  6. The main point that I was trying to make in starting this thread was that we're all supposed to be Saints fans and to see threads such as "why I want us to lose tomorrow", "why the players are better off ignoring JP", "F**k the lot of them" etc, etc makes me wonder just how many are true SUPPORTERS and how it really helps the team. I've been a Saints fan all my life and have been fortunate enough to have been a season ticket holder for 21 years. As stated in my opening message I am NOT a Lowe fan. I was there outside St Marys with many, many others a few years ago trying to get him to resign. However, we were let down by Wilde and I feel that Lowe is possibly our best/only option at the moment. He has a vision, a plan for the future and I believe that it deserves a chance. In my opinion, Poortvliet is not out of his depth. I actually think he's doing a good job (I am allowed an opinion aren't I?). Constant change (more often than not caused by Rupert Lowe) has been the downfall of this club, I think we'd all be ale to agree to that. Give Jan a chance, 17 games just isn't enough.
  7. What a clever and witty response.
  8. Scanning this forum I am shocked by the amount of negativity displayed by people who call themselves supporters of Southampton Football Club. Granted, we are struggling to keep our heads above the water in the Championship. One league below where most Saints fans believe we belong. However, its time those fans wake up and smell the coffee. Its over 3 years since we were relegated. The parachute payments dried up long ago leaving us with major financial constraints. I was as much against Lowe and wanted him out of our club along everyone. Like the majority I thought the Wilde bunch would save us. Spend the money, back the manager, "give us our club back" and take us back to the promised land of the Premiership. We were wrong. Michael Wilde made promises and couldn't keep them. Leon Crouch's reign was similarly unsuccessful and we're led to believe that had it continued for much longer we'd probably be in administration by now. We'd all like a multi-millionaire/billionaire to buy the club and splash the cash but we have to realise that's not going to happen. Love him or hate him, Rupert is the only man who had the balls to get involved again (yes, I know he still had his shares etc) and you have to say they're bloody big balls to come back after being almost literally hounded out of the club! Nigel Pearson did a good job to keep us up last year but would he have been happy to sit back and watch quality players leave with no transfer funds to spend? Almost certainly NO. Jan Poortvliet deserves a chance......17 games is not enough. He needs at the very, very least 1 full season. In my opinion he should be given at least 2. He's had his hands tied behind his back from the day he arrived and to get a bunch of kids playing to the level I saw today with more desire and passion than Burley ever achieved he should be given the full backing of the supporters. After all, that's what we're supposed to be isn't it? Supporters.
  9. Good I'm glad he let them go. Why not?
  10. When has Rudi ever done it for us? Over hyped and almost certainly overpaid.
  11. We need a 2nd striker up there with Robertson. I'd get BWP on up front. Take Lancashire off, Wotton to CB. Put Lallana out wide and bring Drew into the middle, he's too far up the pitch and needs to be more involved. Actually don't think this is over yet.
  12. Lancashire isn't good enough for this league yet
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