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Everything posted by James_O_Mac

  1. As much as I love my club, Southampton is full of pikey's. I think the beauty of being a lower league club means that the tickets are now cheap enough for them to afford!
  2. pretty sure williamson used to play for our youth team as well...or is that the point
  3. Do like to blow your own bubble don't you?
  4. as Pardew said, "see you later". Let's move on, doesn't matter. COYR
  5. I reckon a good season for Ebanks-Blake could put him in with a shout?
  6. what a tosser.
  7. I bet hearts sank when this news was revealed.
  8. He also called you a tosser in polish though..
  9. I am a fairly old Nationwide customer, I have had a current account with them since I was 16 and i'm now 22 - no charges for me yes?! Cheers
  10. This isn't just any new manager speculation, this is M&S new manager speculation.
  11. Bill Murray's voice acting is turd in this game. I'm a big ghostbusters fan, but the game is a bit linear. I like it, but at the same time, it's not great.
  12. SWIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS OHHH SWIIIIIIIISSS swiiiisssss I'm buying stock in Edam Cheese (thats swiss i hope)
  13. whoever said Jeff Buckley - Lover you should have come over, that is a shout. I would say - Radiohead - How To Disappear Completely Blur - No distance left to run (although I hate it)
  14. That was a brilliant 2nd half, Rooney did tonk us. Fernandes' goal is one of my favs!
  15. Kieron Dyer always had a habit of making us look turd. Remember in the 2004 FA, he ran us ragged on his return after an injury for Newcastle!
  16. If no one takes over....then love takes over yyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeahhhhhhh!! Seriously, I hate this club sometimes.
  17. GK: Kelvin Davis LB: Benali CB: Dean Richards CB: RB: Dodd LM: Marsden CM: Oakley CM: RM: Fernandes CF: Kevin Davies CF: you can tell what era I grew up in!
  18. It was put in fifa 09? did not realise that! how would go about doing that? Sorry to drag off topic.
  19. Ok i'm back with my 3 posts, I never claimed it to be classic! just something that I really enjoyed. Can't wait for Deadrising 2! I will say....Super Mario 3. First game I ever owned. Probably the best?
  20. I own Street Fighter, yet half the fighters (the charge one's) are useless. How the hell do you pull off those moves? And Seth is the most w*nky boss I have ever come across. Sorry to drag this off topic! My fav's: Goldeneye was a classic Dead Rising has a charm to it, wouldn't call it best ever though. ...I'll have a think.
  21. Yeah i did, just deleted the web cam software, which fixed the problem. didn't mind doing so, since I never use the web cam. Bit ridiculous that to get my ipod to function, it comes at the expense of another bit of hardware/software. Only found out it was the camera screwing it up through google!
  22. everytime I used to try syncing my new ipod touch, it used to cause my pc to blue screen of death! turns out it was something to do with a driver conflict with my web cam! In the end, I don't bother updating anymore, unneccesary waste of time, doesn't seem to make the end product better anyway. As long as I can hear the music and it doesn't slow my pc to s**t, i'm happy.
  23. James_O_Mac


    Lots of pointless threads too.
  24. I don't think we need another youth experiment, thanks.
  25. hahaha I thought that when I saw 'the iranians' too!
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