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Everything posted by saintoli

  1. Not a pundit i know, but who is that Yank **** on 909 with Spooney? The bloke is a complete nob. Cant stand Alan Green either.
  2. EG02 BIG on a Ferrari in Wichester. Bloke only looked about 25 with a page 3 type blow up blonde in the passenger seat. still cant figure if he was taking the **** out of himself with that plate, or he really was a shameless nob.
  3. Was that behind Dennett house?
  4. Im sure i read somewhere that Fry wouldnt allow another exclusivity period as it was too late in the day? Or was it just a bluff because they knew the pinnacle deal was dead in the water? Come on Mr Fry give us some real info rather than watered down, fact-less ********!
  5. Why dont you tag this march/idea on to the other one that has already been orginized? Everyone meet at the same time at the bargate, march to the ground, the ones who want to watch the game go in, and those who dont march off to the pub in protest! At the end of the day, we are all trying to achieve the same thing so it makes sense to try and link the two.
  6. Cheers Jan, Didn't always agree with your tactics but no-one can fault your commitment or your effort. Would love to see you working with the acadamy and teach the yougsters how football should be played.
  7. Time to stop this pussy bull**** chanting and take a more direct action. Lowe couldnt care less about people calling him nasty names, he is used to it. Time to take this club back. I hope he gets what is coming to him
  8. Buisness wise i totally agree with what your saying. With regards to bailing out, the first post likend the amount of money to 2 new hospitals and the current climate (people losing their jobs). I cant understand why people get so upset about what someone else is spending!
  9. So what your saying is the City owner should not invest any money into his buisness and should invest it all in to bailing out our country?! Its a buisness get over it.
  10. You can get the blanking plates from halfords. It comes as a pocket for cd's normally. The connector plugs are iso so they will plug straight into the sony lead. Althougth the red and yellow cables on the sony lead will need swapping to keep the memory. These two cables are on bullet crimps normally. Also, the aerial supply on the original VW plug will need cutting or it will damage the sony unit by putting a 12v supply into the unit. When the VW connectors are plugged into the sony lead the aerial cable well be the blue one on the sony end, just cut it and isolate both ends.
  11. Can you see us keeping a clean sheet? Can you see us out-scoring united? Im not so sure! I will always be a little optimistic because i love the Saints, but instead of wasting money on betting i will just spend it on drink to numb the pain!
  12. The only way we would get rid of the seats is to rip them up and use them to batter Lowe into submission!
  13. What is the chance of Lowe reading this one out at the next AGM?!
  14. A few verses of ''whats that burning on the runway'' should weed them out
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