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Everything posted by saintoli

  1. I see the club has put the Everton tickets up for sale? Seems a strange thing to do in the current situation.
  2. Much appreciated!
  3. Cheers mate. Will be open for the Huddersfield game then
  4. Having not been to a game for a couple of months, I was told that the Angel has closed. Can anyone confirm this for me? If so, can anyone recommend a decent alternative that I can take my kids to on match days? Cheers
  5. Exchange on Southgate Street or the Ship at the bottom of Winnall, both half decent pubs.
  6. Whats the best/cheapest option for trains and tubes to the game? I normally just buy my tickets on the day and as an when i need them. I suspect this is costing me a fair bit extra! If anyone wants to share some info on an all day travel card type things it would be much appreciated. I have tried google but it goes way over my head. Will be leaving from Winchester btw.
  7. saintoli


    Gonna be watching this game from my desk at work, so has anyone got any decent streams? Thanks in advance
  8. Should have mentioned, i came to this conclusion from the comfort of my sofa, so feel free to shoot me down if you don't agree!
  9. Very forgettable first half, but a lively second half. Some great play by Lallana, especially when he walked through 3 skates with the ball glued to his boot! The goal really woke us up and gave us the upper hand, whatever attacks they had were broken up with ease and turned into counters. Thought NA was a bit negative towards the end, looking to hold onto the 0-1, but that nearly always leads to trouble. I would have liked to see SDR come on for Guly with 10-15 mins to go as the skates were really on the ropes and i dont think they would have coped with the runs he makes. Guly had a 'mare for me though, just didn't seem that interested to make things happen. He can be so frustrating at times! I would have given anything to have DC on the end of that chance that Guly fluffed. Before kick off though, i would have settled for a point and i think the end result was pretty fair. As for people saying 'at the start of the season you would of bit someones hand off to be top by a point come Christmas', I can't agree with that. We are top on merit imo, and we have missed to many chances to strech our lead by poor performances. Everyone has a blip at some stage of the season, i'm just glad ours has come as we limp towards the transfer window. These last few games have highlighted the fact we have some big gaps in our squad which need addressing asap. Overall though, it's ours to throw away, just hope we don't.
  10. He must really be loving all this attention, complete ****
  11. Who got the last goal? my stream went down in the 93rd min! What happened to De Ridder?
  12. Might of been where i was sat last night ( second row, block 40) but it did seem loud! The song was being nicely drowned out tbf, but thats beside the point. Makes me cringe when i think about it.
  13. TBH The9, i wasn't expecting a reply from the club, i just hoped someone might see sense in what i was saying! Wishfull thinking though.... Nothing too drastic 1976 child, just wanted to have a moan about playing music when we score. I surely can't be the only the person to think this? I just fail to see why it is needed. Do the club think we can't make enough noise? Makes us look two bob in my opinion.
  14. Silly question, but if someone could help i would be grateful. Does the club have an email adress? I want to have a little 'moan' about something, but not to sure how to get in contact with the club. Cheers.
  15. saintoli

    Naomi House

  16. Good man!
  17. Got a friend driving up from London for the West Ham game and he wants to know about parking on match day. Having always got the train to games im a bit lost for ideas. He is going to meet us in the Plume so somewhere nearish to St Marys street would be ideal. Any ideas? Many thanks
  18. Can't remember the last time i was this nervous! Sat at work and i cant keep still. Stupid really as we can afford to **** this up today and get the points needed on Saturday. Does that make it any easier though? No. If i smoke anymore tabs today my lungs might collapse.
  19. Are the club contributing to this aswell? Maybe we could raise as much as possible and see if the club would add to the total to get the biggest one possible? Fair play to the man sorting this out! Also, will the website be a lasting thing? Or just up and running until enough money was raised? I would like to have a sort of 'Markus legacy' type site that can be updated as we move through leagues, if that makes sense? Rubbish with the whole internet thing, so dont know how much it would cost to run every year. But surely a whip around on here to raise the money every year would be a good idea?
  20. saintoli


    I would like to see it happen at SMS, but i just cant see it. The atmosphere at home games has gone way past a joke now. To many fans wanna moan and whinge if you stand up or make a bit of noise anywhere outside the Northam. I like the bouncy thing (without the **** song that goes with it!), and love to see a few flares going off during games.
  21. Good post. It amazes me how worked up people get over pretty trivial things. Another good post by Vectis as well. Like he says, no one outside the few hundred regular posters on here really give a **** what happens off the pitch. Who really cares what goes on if the club is secure and the teams doing alright? What ever happened to just going to the game, having a few stella's and making a bit of a racket? As far as this forum goes, it's ok. Once, that is, you have trawled through the mountains of speculation and bull**** that is posted on here! Who cares if the club is 'linked' to the forum? I see plenty (too much imho) anti Cortese posts on here, so the club obviousley cant be that bothered with the drivel that is written on here.
  22. So he tried to punch 2 stewards and missed, then kicked a door and hurt his foot? Deserves a ban if you ask me!
  23. Thats one one, now at Liverpool
  24. Daniel Camoli (sp) is at the game today according to the BBC, keeping an eye on a few young un's.
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