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  1. *MLG NOTES* I realise strictly its spelt differently
  2. While I too respect your equally eloquent reply, you unfortunately seem to suffer from an over large view of yourself and your own experience. As nice as it is to be invited and uninvited to when I can and cannot comment, I will just as respectfully decline. You will notice I do not comment much as it is, so I wont bother you too much I promise. I also do not intend to take this further with you, as arguing on a football message board is just about as dull as it gets, but its absolutely incredible if you are really suggesting that advertising/marketing has no effect. Even more so to someone who already has a problem/addiction with the very product that being offered to them. As I said, I am not saying it caused the problem, just that it cannot help. I understand you have friends who went through this, and I am genuinely sorry for that. But there is a reason Google and Facebook are some of the biggest companies around and its not because they give their product to people, free to use. Advertising works.
  3. I have no opinion on the morality of this advertising and if you are looking for that, or just about anything virtuous, I am not sure the premier league is the place to look. But what I am sure of, any sort of gambling advertising to a compulsive gambler must be just about the most effective marketing there is. It might not be the sole cause of someone becoming a compulsive troubled gambler, but it certainly doesn't help, which is why it will probably be stopped eventually. To suggest it has no effect, is just to fight a cause because you are a contrary type of person. Which this board is full of. However, its not illegal, and the club has every right to get as much as they can from any advertising. As someone said above, we just recently lost 10's of millions of pounds and our owner of possible *cough* dubious means (we are a long way from being angels) is not about to stick his hand in his pocket to dig us out.
  4. I am sorry if my swearing offended you. I understand how sensitive you are to that. (although I am now confused if you like to be offended or not) As for being open minded, you opened this thread by saying is 'used' to be a good show...in August! You guys come across like old men yelling at the tide, telling it to stop going out. You really should hide you prejudice better. You are in danger of being left behind
  5. lol wtf!? Yeah because I definitely like my football punditry to be as offensive as possible, if they expect me to watch it. The irony being, you sound pretty fucking offended by it all. But then you did give it a couple of weeks (which I have no doubt you went into with an open mind), so plenty of time to make a fair judgement I am sure
  6. While being careful not to turn this into a 2 way conversation because that's boring for everyone else. I'll try and answer some of that. First of all, it was hilarious because its not true and as I said, it was a completely hysterical reaction. You could only say he was among the worst if you consider amount paid in from his own pocket, and you don't honestly measure an owner by that do you?? Unfortunately, I think your true issue is shown by the number of times you talk about how we don't 'invest' (in fact when you say that you mean spend (his) a personal fortune as the the club doesn't have it) We only spend the money we generate because that's what we have always done. This is not a new or unique situation. The only change is the number of clubs now owned by very very rich people who are happy to throw their own money around. Depending on your point of view, and I can tell what yours is, you can decide if that's good or bad but that's simply not us. But it never has been, so I am confused why its now so terrible. Envy I guess. If it weren't for premier league money we would be in the pits, yes, but so would 100% of clubs. I have news for you. No club goes down and their financial position improves. Very few have owners who just soak up the loss. Ashley being the only example I can think of. We didn't 'strike lucky' with Ralph. The board and various people, who Gao has put his trust in, made that decision. When owners start making those decisions you end up with managers like Stuart Gray and Steve Wigley. You say he has never spoken to the fans, but the person in your profile pic, who is rightly lauded on this board, never opened his mouth either. Would you recognise his voice if you heard it? He left it to Nicola, who spoke a great game, and guess what, by the time he left we were on our knees financially, having to pay twice the price for things like a training ground because he managed to piss everyone off. Marcus also left us loaded with loans which his daughter, who somehow has become the bad guy (girl), cleared turning them into equity. Lets not get too emotional about this either, he didn't buy us because he somehow fell in love with us over in Switzerland. He saw a premier league product, worth a bargain £15m. This was proven when we sold a single player the next season for just under the price he bought us for. It was a fantastic investment for him, and this came first. So lets not get too hung up on how important it is that we matter in an emotional sense to the owner.
  7. Exactly. S-Clarke in particular can be particularly hysterical about Gao. He even hilariously suggested the other day he was an horrific owner. Gao has a plan. Its to grow slowly in a self sustaining way. It may not be exciting, it may not mean signing players to deals we cannot afford, you may not even like it, but that is the plan. For me, the best part of this is he the steps back and lets the guys whose job it is to make this happen, do exactly that. It does though mean the success or failure falls on the people implementing it. It went sour under Les and Ross and Gao got rid. We are very lucky to have Ralph, and it would appear Semmens, and I am personally hopeful for the future. Bournemouth spent money they didn't have on big money players and got it wrong. They are now, or certainly were, absolutely fucked. In fairness, they got some decent money for a lot of their squad, so it might not be as bad as it was, but we wont be seeing them again for a long time. Perhaps only when accompanied by rattling buckets again. Gao either wont, or more likely cant, invest any money. This doesn't make him a bad owner, just not a rich one. This might of course change, but as of now, he does not appear to be taking money from the club. It may be dull, he may be bland, but it could be loads loads worse then we currently have it.
  8. Please tell us more. It seems to me the burden of proof is on you not 'them' You seem to have decided there is a link there based, I would assume, purely on your own prejudice of the situation
  9. Not wanting to pop anyone’s enthusiasm, but are heavily involved owners really what we want? Especially ones whose biggest involvement appears to be in recruitment? A lot of nonsense is written about Gao, but all said and done, his only real crime* appears to be a pretty obvious lack of money. In terms of allowing the peoples whose job it is to run the club,the freedom to do exactly that, he seems to be exactly what you would want in an owner. If anything, the few times it’s been suggested he has got involved, it’s been to do things fans had been asking for. i.e. first sacking Kruger and then Reed. I understand these Americans are known for their innovative analysis of players, and although I am not against the principle, do I want owners whose own way of working and belief in this means they start dictating who we buy, over the head of Ralph and others? Now I admit to having neither read nor watched Moneyball, so I understand I'm very uninformed on this, but if Ralph or scouts have a player in mind, but the owners (or their people) have spotted a player in the Swiss third division who happens to get more crosses in during 90 minutes, would they insist we go for him. I understand it was a similar principle that lead to Liverpool buying Downing and Andy Carroll**. I also don’t see the excitement of an investment group buying us. An investment is exactly that, these are not the spendthrift billionaire's that people seem, for some reason, to think we deserve and that these days seems to be the only thing that differentiates a 'good' owner from a 'bad' one. Just to be clear, this isn’t meant as celebration of Gao and his ownership, more just a question if any change of owner is really what we are after, as looking at these guys, I’m struggling to get the excitement of others. ----------- MLG Notes - * I understand this is very possibly not his only crime. I wasn’t talking in the legal sense, just metaphorical ** I know Stuart Downing and Andy Carroll did not come from the Swiss third division
  10. RedFear

    Adam Lallana

    Cock Piss Partridge
  11. I'll level with you, Im really scared
  12. the way to ensure it all comes falling down would be to do the exact opposite of what he intends and follows the lead of some of you on here. spending money we don't have and running thing in a non self-sustaining way. just like when 'Saints went Wilde' if anything Gao's methods ensure our long term future. Id be much more concerned about what relegation would bring if I were a Bournemouth fan why all of sudden must we be a team that has an owner willing to pump millions and millions of their own money in?? we have never had that and we don't have it now (as with most clubs). so why all the wailing about it now?
  13. the guy is a machine. Ive already donated more then I anticipated as each new video has left me in awe of the challenge he set himself and what he has already accomplished all the best Franny, and I hope he recovers enough to get back on it tomorrow
  14. I dont have an issue with any ones view on football, so im not quoting to knock yours but personally id love Dyche here and have thought that for a long time. as you say, hes done a brilliant job at Burnley, id argue with one of the worst squads to have been in the prem too. As ive pointed out on here before, he was also excellent at Watford. its worth noting, doing better then both malky mackay and, yes, even brendan rodgers, with a much worse team too (the best players following those 2 out the door with them) i also know from inside information at the time, all this was done with an absolute lunatic in charge too. it was only the take over that caused him to lose his job i believe he would be an excellent appointment for us, and lets be honest, very unlikely to be pursued by other clubs if he does succeed here. which i think he would
  15. yes, because i believe he was good enough to play for the team that took them apart in that final not that i want to get into a debate with you bout personal football opinions and bore everyone else to death
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