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Everything posted by ghq

  1. I'd have to go along with that. I'd also like to state once more, that the sooner Lowe, Wilde and Crouch are gone from anything remotely connected to Southampton FC, the better. That is of course, only in my humble opinion.
  2. I agree entirely with the various points of view about intimidation. I've seen a fair amount of it and don't like being near it. It's a fine point as to what stage intimidation becomes 'physical' to those being indimidated. The thread has kept Duncan's statement rolling along now for far longer than required, in my opinion, but then,isn't that what this is about, opinions. Moving on to the investment debate. Various points have been put forward. I was recently musing, as I'm sure others have too, about a course of action if suddenly sufficient funds becam available to bail out the club. On current prices a rough calculation of approx. 4.2 million is the share value, allowing another 2 mill for premium on large share holdings brings it to 6.2 plus players to strengthen and bits here and there the total is already up there. Would anyone in there right mind put that, even as a 'Uber Fan', amount of money into a club with either Lowe, Wilde or Crouch even remotely connected with it?
  3. Frank's Cousin wrote to the effect; 'we will have our time again, but might have to wait a little.' A goodly sentiment, though at my age not so inspiring, come to think about it, those quite some years my junior mightn't be around when this once proud club emerges from this state of affairs.
  4. From memory FF, it was Len Shackleton in his book 'The Clown Prince of Soccer',and we were led to believe he was made to pay for the percieved impudence even though it was common knowledge.
  5. I may well be wrong about this and could well be due to the tyranny of distance and not able to access the site from time to time. I was or am under the impression that Lowe regards himself as DIrector of Football, if this is correct it says all that needs to be said about the man's self opiniated view of himself. I'm not sure if this is official or a figment of my imagination. However, I find the conduct of the various officials who have been exposed to Lowe's 'vaingloriousness' has been extremely puzzling, and yes, have for a long time thought his input affected managers certainly as far back as Harry. I also stated when he was deposed(?), that his non severance of ties was like a miasma of sh1t hanging over the club. I think this has proved to be a correct observation.
  6. If Cambridge University is responsible for the present offside rule, then that less than august seat of learning should forego funding until a workable offside rule replaces that which currently plagues the game. Of course this is only my humble opinion and nothing at all to do with statistics, grammar, or much of anything else really.
  7. Last paragraph sums it up for me. I certainly am no fan of Lowe's, but have been concerned about Crouch since the pre-ousting of Lowe. Having said that, he didn't do too much wrong when in charge last season. He still hasn't convinced me though.
  8. Frank's Cousin has put forward a well constructed point of view. I'm not in total agreement with him, but really am impressed with the standard of replies it has brought forth. Well done to Frank and those who replied in a studied manner and raised the level of this thread above the norm.
  9. Hooters Stadium, playing like a load of big tits.
  10. There are an awful lot of reasons proffered for the actions and mind set of one Rupert Lowe. A few of them are a little far out, but I find myself agreeing with more and more of them posted on here. My opinion for what it's worth is, and it's only my opinion, that he knows he's losing money and is paying himself some sort of return by way of salarywhile hoping to salvage the club and prove what a brilliant incisive man of many parts he actually is. He has seen enough of the people in football over his time in the Premier, to know that they are all inferior to a man with his acumen, so it can't be too hard to run a successful professional football club. This will come to show what a clever incisive person he is and also put him in the limelight where his ego expects to be. In the event of failure, well look around folks. 'It's hard to soar with the eagles when surrounded by turkeys.' In short I don't have a clue what is going on in the button down mind of R Lowe, but am of the firm opinion that he has to go and have been for a lot of years. Yes, even back in the halcyon years!
  11. Well there's a shock. Harry under fire for telling it like it is. Do any of you think that Spurs are a top four side? If not what has he said that's incorrect?
  12. Am I clutching at straws when I hope the team might well improve with the addition of a fit Holmes?
  13. Could just as well be from Mars.
  14. By my reckoning Paine would be a lot closer to 70 than 60, but agree with the sentiment.
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