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Everything posted by ghq

  1. Unfortunately, from what we have seen and heard of MJ in the not too distant past, I'd think FC's summing up might well be only too correct.
  2. Has the question of why Wilde did the about face and joined forces with Lowe ever satisfactorily been answered? In my opinion he either had a blind hatred of Crouch for his part in his (Wilde's) ousting. Or the Lowe one convinced him that Crouch was on a ruinous path and had to be stopped. Whatever the reason, in the light of subsequent events,it will go down as yet another stuff up in the recent Saints saga. I would however, like to think it will all come out into the public domain one day.
  3. Here we go again. I have never since day one had any confidence in Rupert Lowe's ability to successfully run a Premier League football club. I state this, not with the benefit of hindsight, but with a gut feeling from whence he was appointed. Nothing has happened since to change my mind. I consider myself to be an open minded person and won't say that there aren't other contributing parties to the demise of our club. Others have a slightly more open view of the glories of Rupert, but how do they justify a club that for years in the Premier Leagueplayed in front of 30,000 plus attendaces and come the day of relegation had insufficient funds to bankroll a return to the Prem.? If that is not poor financial management I don't know what is. It was abundanlty obvious the season we went down we were down by the head with an overly large team of not quite up to it pros all being paid wage that could have bankrolled a smaller, but much better squad. This was overseen by the meanest penny pinching prat in football. Yet still the apologists are here. How about we all give it a rest. Please.
  4. I remains a worry that his brief is to the creditors. Obviously they have a perfect right to be more concerned at a successful outcome than we, as fans, do. The problem I'm so concerned about is this; does getting the best deal require him to put a hypothetical LLS consortium ahead of any other because they, in their lack of judgement, have offered more than can be reasonably justified by the other consortia, due to their(read LLS) flamboyant approach? A good outcome for the creditors, but possibly disastrous for SFC.
  5. At the height of his ramblings he was on more than one occasion brought to task for his spelling/grammar and general at times unintelligible musings. Athis point he defended himself by claiming to be dyslexic. Whether or not he is/was,is unknown. One day having less than usual to do i was given to posting the old graffiti slogan "Dyslexics Rule KO". Now,how do you think I'm going to feel if that comes back to bite me in the a**e?
  6. ghq

    Wilde speaks out

    I don't know if infact Mr Winter is correct in his valuation of the Saints set up. What I do know is that if I had 15-20 million lying around, I sure as hell wouldn't invest it in the absolute shambles that has been left of Southampton FC. I reckon that it will end up as a fire sale. Only an opinion or course
  7. Let's just for a moment suppose that GM could be right in his assumptions. We undeniably have a supply and demand situation not fairly loaded towards the supply side. This is already apparent re Dyer and Swansea. The going price halved by the latest offer. Mind you that may well be Swansea being mean and all other clubs will offer over the odds to help the creditors out. 'Yeah,Right.' as the kids would say.
  8. If they managed a grand from Southampton, how much would they have pillaged from Eastleigh? Oh, hang on a minute.
  9. I had a good think about that and you're right,I have to say.
  10. Rumour on another thread. Somebody with info. on 'takeover',part of which suggests leading consortium has pre approved Surman to Reading for 700k. Make of it what you will. Obviously didn't get that fromthe Sun.
  11. CBFry,Ted Drake, Alf Ramsey, Bill Ellerington. George Curtis(possibly), Ian Black.(Scotland),Hugh Kelly (Eire) Fred Keirnan (N.Ireland) I didn't see Fry or Drake play at all, even I'm not that old, but I did see all the others at the Dell.
  12. To paraphrase a once leading Australian political entity:-"If Lowe comes back, it will be like Lazarus with a triple bypass"
  13. This might just give a further insight as to why Wilde sided with Lowe rather than Crouch. It's not the first stuff up he's uttered since investing.
  14. If I had the sort of money Mr G Davies has, the very last thing I'd be doing with it is feeding sh1tloads of it in the direction of the circling sharks around Saints at the moment.
  15. Perhaps it's time to stop this silly bickering. What is being argued here is whether or not Leon Crouch could have done more for the club. It has moved on from that original question, to name calling and flights of fancy from participants. My opinion,as that's all it is, just like most others on here, is that the club needs any of the holy trinity like a hole in the head, or more accurately another hole in the a..e. Having spent my formative years in Hampshire, Saints were and still are my club of choice, if from a distance. I still get upset about the way the club has spiralled out of control. Surely the time for egoes has long gone and we should be united in getting behind the club in it's, in my memory, lowest ebb. Apart from that,what the f... am I going to do if there is no club to support and no forum to read next season?
  16. If he had a trumpet it could have been the ghost of Harry James.
  17. OT Hurlock, your sentiments are commendable however, read the above quote as I think it could be a little closer to what is more aligned to actuality. CBFry was only pointing out what many of us know to be the case. I must say that I don't know for certain, but would offer odds that a 'fans' owned and operated Saints would last very little time. Just read this Forum if you are in any doubt. I,as I'm sure most of us do, want the continued existence of our club and I for one have every confidence that it will. I also think that big crowd attendances are the best way of raising the money required for our immediate well being.
  18. So to my reckoning, Hants is the biggest in England. All those listed above are north of Watford Gap or west of Dorset. Surely ineligible!
  19. Rupert's swansong, several years too late!
  20. Funny about that. I've found myself owning up to Eastleigh more recently. It was generally Southampton in the past,for ease of geographical recognition you understand.
  21. I've just had a flashback to when Saints were relgated to the old div 3. Can't remember whether or not it was 3 south or not, but I seem to rmember the last away game of the year was at Notts Forest. We won 3-2 and the final game was against Blackburn Rovers and we won 5-1! I don't think I'm hallucinating, perhaps somebody will check. I also seem to remember that the average crowds in div 3 for Saints were around those we are getting this season. Which brings me to the thought that if we are relegated and draw crowds lower than those past days, it can only add to the further glory of the chosen one if he's still here. I hope if Lowe does go, that crowds will increase, but have a really bad feeling that we won't be rid of him for some time to come.
  22. Just a quick question. I've not been around for some time, but how do you get from Winchester to Paddington without a fair detour? Not being smart, just curious.
  23. It would seem the heart rules the head in the majority of cases. Here's another one. Saints to gain between 14 and 17 pts. Norwich and Blackpool to gain 9 or 10. That's enough for us to stay up. Having arrived at this, I don't really care what the others do, but tell me where I can get on Saints not to finish mid table!
  24. I'm really very pleased that the takeover threads rated a mention on here. Having ploughed through this thread, I was longing more and more to the days when I awoke and dived for the laptop to read the latest on the moving and shaking ,(alledgedly), going on as Mr Allen and Co move ever nearer to owning the Saints. Alas, it wasn't to be,but For the most part it was gripping stuff. Even when Allen was history, I enjoyed the humour,mostly unconcious humour, that abounded when ITK Lifelong Saint hit his straps. To this day I can't work out his motives. Help me Rhonda, well if she'd been the genuine article I'd have left my wife to seek her out. Halcyon days for the site unfortunately ne'er to be repeated. Having said all that, I'm still logging on to hear how my team is doing and people's views on all manner of things Saints. Here's hoping for better days. Keep going Saint's fans and Saints Forever.
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