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Everything posted by ogre_saints

  1. +1 in Riga
  2. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xp7fh0_leeds-0-southampton-1_sport#from=embed
  3. ref is just w----r
  4. http://www.firstrowsports.tv/watch/92861/1/watch-southampton-fc-vs-brighton-and-ha.html
  5. goals+ K.Gorkss in action http://sportacentrs.com/futbols/legionari/video/22102011-gorkss_lieliski_darbojas_aizsardziba_pret
  6. tomorrow I'll be there- http://pub.lv/location.php
  7. http://www.eurosmi.ru/tv/133/
  8. live on tv NTV+sport- http://www.ntvplus.ru/sport/article.xl?id=58004
  9. anybody in riga for the first game of season!! which pub we choose??? what about http://www.thetrinity.lv/ ?? or any pub in old Riga!!! wake up latvians , When the Saints Go Marching In
  10. sorry, who is the John Terry and Rio Ferdinand?
  11. any saints in Latvia??? I'll be there- http://www.bombardierbar.lv/
  12. FK Riga 2, at the moment FK Jelgava (1 week ago, Jelgava beat Blackpool 2-1, ex-saint Ormerod score for blackpool)
  13. Greetings from Riga COYR!!!
  14. http://southampton.ru/russian_saints_on_tour.htm
  15. http://southampton.ru/russian_saints_on_tour.htm
  16. somebody answer, please
  17. will be able to buy tickets at the stadium????
  18. hi to all i am saints fan from latvia, at moment i lived chepstow, i look for lift to the game from bristol, cardiff, newport( pay for petrol), my english is crap, but if somebody can help me, just give call- 07858351849 (Raymond) thanx
  19. i bet for Gary Johnson
  20. some latvian saint need help!!! I would be in Newquay for couple week. whether it is possible travel to bristol or southampton ( preston game) from Newquay how easy to get tickets for bristol game
  21. pussycata, bladj
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