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Everything posted by tombletomble

  1. I think that a lot of people are going to Justin's tonight
  2. Goal from Lallana. Get in. I thought that I read on here that he was rubbish and shouldn't play
  3. I couldn't find MOTD2 on there
  4. Surely it should be a crescent.
  5. tombletomble


    Which is highhly unlikely at the moment. Unless you are willing to pay big bucks. Th percentage of cocain in a gram has been dropping for years.
  6. tombletomble


    It's waste of money powder. That's what I call it anyway. I have done it a few times. Lots of my mates love it. I personally don't think the amount of fun I have had whilst on it has justified the amount of money I have spent. It is very very morish. For those that haven't tried it, don't bother. It will more than likely turn you in an idiot that only wants to talk about yourself and how great you are.
  7. Woohoo Lets get some more and 3 points please
  8. I logged on this eve to start a thread about this after reading the article on the BBC website. The Murdochs have no interest in protecting anything except forthe profit margins of News Corp. For the money that we pay in licence fees we get a much better (and much less biased) service than the Murdochs will ever provide. I really hope that their plan to charge for internet news fails. I know which site I will be logging on too for my news fix.
  9. And another victory. Well done Andy. Keep this up and a grandslam will come soon
  10. Is there anyone heading to this match from Bristol? I would really like to go but can't pursuade any of my mates to come along. I would rather not spend the evening onmy own.
  11. The standard of the radio feed is terrible. Saints TV never used to cut out as many times in games as this new saints player does. Also, I don't want to pay £4 a month for updates on Eastleigh. I don't care, I'm a saints fan. There has been a dramatic decrease in the quality of the service provided. I am not impressed.
  12. Get in. Well done Lambert. Plenty more of those this sesaon please.
  13. Good old saints. We don't like to make things easy for ourselves. Lots of positives to take from this game though. At times we looked quite good. considering that our manager hasn't had that much time to work with the players it could have been much worse. We still need to work on defending form set pieces and need some more depth to the squad. Why did we not have another stiker on the bench. What is up with Rasiak?
  14. RIP A Great man that will be missed by all. My thoughs go out to your family
  15. This thread is great. Imagine how boring the world be with out sweeping generalisations.
  16. What is one of those? Does he get to stay and pass on instructions to others. Is he becoming player manager?
  17. If he was to stay ( and I doubt he would want too) what would we be paying him with? Grass clippings of the pitch? I thought he was one of our higher earners. Surely someone that we will have to offload if we can.
  18. Wow. That wasn't what I was expecting. I have never seen Manny box before and was very impressed. As a previous poster mentioned, I realy hope that we get to see Manny v Mayweather.
  19. Thats OK then, we will be in L1
  20. The G20 lot. Nice to see someone talk so highly of our head of government and 19 other heads of state.
  21. This sounds like a good idea to me too.
  22. That would be very helpful. I keep staring at the pics but cant make out any of the people others can see.
  23. Whats has been our biggest gate of the season so far?
  24. I have started back at Uni this year os have no spare cash but am willing to donate my time in anyway that might help. I can't bare the thought of our club disapearing. If this proposal gets off the ground I am willing to get involved in anyway I can.
  25. This is why I think you have to be careful with this proposal. I have a lot of respect for the forces for doing something that i would not be willing to do. However, they join up through there own choice. In a situation where, for example, two patients both required treatment for cancer. One of them served in the forces for 10 years the other spent that time being a teacher I think that it would be hugely unfair for thew ex forces patient to automatically get preferential treatment. They have both given their time for the benifit of our society. Why through the NHS that we all pay in to should some be more equal than others
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