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Everything posted by tombletomble

  1. You want to try and get some of the 2C family, preferably 2CI. Tripping without the paranoia .
  2. You should have a look at this website for free ebooks.
  3. Oh dear, it was always going to happen.
  4. My thoughts go out to all of his family and friends. For what Markus has done for our club I will be eternally grateful. At one point last year I was trying to mentally prepare myself for how I would feel when I no longer had a club to support. Because of him I never had to go though that. For saving us Markus you have become a legend of Southampton FC. In such a short period of ownership you provided me with more happiness they any other season spent supporting saints. I will never forget my day at Wembley that would have not been possible without you. I wish to echo previous posts in suggesting that the ground is renamed in his memory. Without hijm there would be no Saints, it is the least he deserves. Come on you Saints, win the league for Markus.
  5. I think you will find that you pay Vehicle excise duty, a tax on owning a motor vehicle. Local road upkeep is paid for by councils out of the council tax that we all pay. I would more than happily pay the VED amount for my bike under the current system. CO2 emission s= 0, VED = £0.
  6. We are all Homo sapiens. That is all that really matters.
  7. They are so annoying. I honestly think that I will watch less matches because of them. It's one of the most irritating noises I've ever heard.
  8. If the Israelis were providing the correct amount of aid then this flotilla would not have been necessary anyway.
  9. I've been doing this for years.
  10. Thanks and Good luck Chris. I wish you all the best what ever happens next in your career.
  11. Not really. If you raise the tax to high too quickly then too many people wont be able to afford them which would then result in a huge deacresae in tax revenue, something the govt can't afford right now. Three would also be increases in crime, from peole staling to pay for fags to increased sumggling. All of this would would require extra policing, which would cost more money.
  12. I don't have the exact figures to hands but am very sure that the revenue collected on tabbaco far exceedes the costs of treating tabboaco related illnesses.
  13. It's not on TV. http://www.livesportontv.com/ HTH
  14. Maybe there were boos when NC came on the screen, where I was in block 127 though I heard only cheers every time his face appeared on the screens. I really don;t believe that enough people where booing NC to make it auidable on the TV. Even if did happen before the game started I know that I could hear nothing but cheers every time he was on the screen the whole way through the match and the cheer both he and ML recieved at the end of the game was massive and seemed to be from all parts of the ground. Slightly more impotantly, we've just won a cup! Who cares.
  15. That was my main thought too.
  16. I haven't had any problems like that but I know that several of my mates have experienced something similar. I think it is due to the fact that I never really take that much during an evening and my frinds that have experinced odd after affects have usually taken a far bit. How much had you taken when you had those effects?
  17. I've taken quite a few times and quite like it. Its very good value although the nose doesn't seem to like it as much as I do. It porvides a good high, a bit like pills but with the duration of coke. It also has the benifit over coke that you don't have to feel guilty about the suffering that its product is causing. Enjoy it while you can. I expect it will be banned soon. That said though, from research that I have done over the net I wouldn't want to take it in the quantaties that I took of over things during my misspent youth. It doesn't sound like it is anyway near as safe as MDMA is, and now that is available again I wouldn't be suprised to see the number of pople using mephedrome decreasing, expecially went it is made illeagal and gets more expensive.
  18. Me too. April 10th. I'm really looking forward to it. It's apparently his last stand up show for the foreseeable future as well.
  19. I saw Dara O`Briain last week. It was very good, one of the best stand up shows I have seen. Has anyone seen Tim Minchin live? I watched one of his shows that I had downloaded and thought it was very funny.
  20. Not sure if this has been asked and answered earlier in this thread, but what would happen to all the players they have on loan if they went into admin. In order to reduce the wage bill can an administrator send them back to their parent clubs?
  21. Someone needs some maths lessons.
  22. I do kind of agree with you but can understand why Tiger felt that he needed to do this. He isn't just another sportsman but one of the most recognisible men in the whole of sport. Parents would have told their kids to look up to him as a role model, of what can be achieved and he kind of blew that. Also, the more cynical side of me expects that it was as much about protecting his 'brand' and future sponsership deals
  23. Brilliant. I have been think for sometime how thi whole afair reminded me of this scene.
  24. Why oh why do they keep trying to blame the PL. How many times do they have to be told that the FAPT is not to find out whether the person has any money, just whether they are allowed to be a company director. It is not the PLs fault. It is your boards.
  25. If pompey are wound up, how are they then going to sue the PL. That guy is clearly very smat, sorry, smart* *a simpson joke
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