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Everything posted by tombletomble

  1. I love this film. I remember watching it with a group of mates a few years ago. As it finished, with everyone sat in silence, trying to take in what they had just seen, a mate said "can we please watch some comedy now. I have to go to bed before work but cant go to bed with that on my mind"
  2. I've just finished Crime by Irvine Welsh and have now started The Third Policeman by Flann O'Brian. Its one of the strangest things I've read in a while. Before that I read Midnights Children by Salman Rushdie. I recommend that to everyone
  3. Thats what I thought as well. Still one more game after tonights until he is back.
  4. Could have been worse. Sounded like we played well at times. So frustrating to go down right at the end. Better than last years 4-1 though. If we let if half the number of goals from last season this year I'm sure we will do fine
  5. On the bright side, its still a better start than last year
  6. free kick in a good position
  7. Come on. Get another one. We can do it
  8. Its never easy listening to saints.
  9. Maybe you should So glad we got one back before half time. We under the cosh for the last 15 mins of that half. It will really help the confidence of the youngsters to get back in the game so quickly. Come on. We can win this
  10. YYYEEESSSS Get in
  11. It really had been coming though
  12. I would be a lot happier if we scored
  13. I am really excited about the start of this season. So much more so than last year. I hope that I am still feeling the same in 3 hours time. COYR! (or what ever colour we're playing in today)
  14. A very good point well made
  15. Well as we want him to play I guess that we will give him one. Its how these matters are usual dealt with
  16. I was going to post that too
  17. I didn't realise that. There may be a sell on clause then. I don't remember anything being said at the time though
  18. I would have thought that as we got a fairly good deal for him that we won't be inline for anything else. £6m + SJ was quite a bit
  19. I would say no. Is there really any need for threads like this. I know that I could just not reply but was hoping that with the new forum we wouldn't have to go through this again. If we get taken over and given loads of cash, great. Until then, lets all ry and concentrate on whats important, the new season that is only a few days away.
  20. tombletomble


    Its not released until september
  21. Does anyone play either of these games and feel like a friendly sometime. My team name in both games is Montys Beard CC.
  22. tombletomble


    I am really looking forward to this game. It has taken them so long to release it. i hope that it doesn't disapoint
  23. 0. Hth
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