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Everything posted by tombletomble

  1. My gran grew up going to watch Fulham games with her older brothers back in the 30's. That has always made me look out for their results.
  2. Are you going to be using a laptop or tablet? I'd it's a laptop then it won't be a problem as you can use a proxy so it appears that you're still in the UK.
  3. I can't view that on my phone. Can someone type out what he says?
  4. So, who are you guys looking forward to seeing. Friday is going to be a good day. Deltron 3030 and then DeLa Soul. Arcade Fire in the evening. Then Aphex Twin. On Sat I'm not too fussed about Metalica so am going to watch Mogwai. Also, the Pixies are sat too. On Sunday I will probably go and see Massive Attack. Not really sure who else. Also, I'm not sure which acts I will go to but definitely want to see something at Arcadia just because it's such an awesome stage.
  5. Tickets arrived today! I am so excited. Also, whilst looking at the line up again I saw that Aphex Twin is doing a DJ set on Friday. It's going to be a very good weekend.
  6. Finally paid for my tickets. So excited.
  7. So glad that I maintain my 100% record of getting glasto tickets. Although most of my friends missed out this year. Normally there is about 20-25 of us. Only 8 got tickets this year. See you at the Cider bus!
  8. What part of Bristol are you living in. I don't live in one of the best neighbourhoods but I have never seen anything like that.
  9. Try this site as well http://www.wiziwig.tv/broadcast.php?matchid=180850&part=sports
  10. Although it would appear that no one is interested I just thought I would let people know that the console versions of the demo where released today. The PC demo is also available via steam. If you haven't heard of this game I do recommend checking it out.
  11. Anyone else looking forward to this coming out on Friday. I spent an unbelievable amount of time playing the original when it first came out in 94. From looking around the web at various reviews etc it looks very good. http://uk.pc.gamespy.com/pc/xcom-enemy-unknown/1226328p1.html
  12. I think the only other event that comes close is burning man. A fair number of my mates have been the last few years and only have good things to say about it.
  13. With other festivals I do agree with you but I think Glasto is just a bit different. I couldn't care less who was playing, I know I will have fun regardless.
  14. So glad that I managed to get some tickets. Not been since 2009. Wasn't having much luck for over an hour and then went on a lucky streak and managed to get in 4 times to get tickets for most of my mates too. To those who didn't get them, there is still April. Good luck.
  15. My favorite line from that articlePulis added: "Everybody knows Reading have got money to spend and West Ham will spend anyway."
  16. This was kind of my plan. Although I hope I can find new work soon. Very little part time work suitable for me about though.
  17. Thanks for all the info that you guys provided. When I went in on Wednesday the owners had changed there minds about the disciplinary. I think they had realised that they were on fairly dodgy ground and were likely to end up in a tribunal. I think that they still want me out but unsurprisingly I'm not that keen on working for them anymore. I have started looking for new jobs and will be leaving as soon as I can find something else. Hopefully that wont take too long. Just a shame that there isn't more jobs around.
  18. Firstly, I apologise if this all sounds rather complicated. On Saturday whilst I was at work I discovered (1 the accountant told me by mistake, the other I asked) that two other people that do the same job as I do get paid more money for doing the same work. I was naturally slightly annoyed by this news. One of my work mates was with me when the accountant told me about the first person. He became annoyed for a different reason. He and our bosses have for a while wanted him to do the job that I am doing. However, the pay rate for his role is higher than mine and he was unwilling to move jobs for less money. A new member of staff was hired instead. This new member of staff is the person whose pay the accountant told me about. This led my to my friend handing in his notice as he was unhappy that they would not pay him the extra rate to do the job but would hire someone else and pay them more. Then yesterday evening I received a call from my manager informing me that when I go into work on Wednesday I am having a disciplinary hearing and am being fired. The reason being that I discussed the pay and criticised the management whilst in work. This doesn't seem in anyway fair to me but I know nothing about employment law. Does anyone think that this is unfair dismissal and do I have grounds for going to an employment tribunal?
  19. No more Hooters. It has shut down. If the weather is nice during the day In would recomend going to the Kings Street area where you can go to the Llandoger Trow or the Apple. There are lots of bench and stuff so you can sit outside. I much prefer it there to the waterfront but it depends on what kind of bars you are looking for.
  20. Looks like he went for the ball. I don't see what the problem is.
  21. Russian caravan tea from whittards is now my favorite tea. If you haven't tried it I really recommend it. You can get it in bags and loose.
  22. Another point. If he did exist. Why did it take him well over 100,000 years of human history before he decided to get involved.
  23. Have you heard of the Russell's teapot analogy? Th fact there isn't any evidence for god doesn't mean we need to entertain the idea that he might exist when all logic points to it be rubbish.
  24. You beat me to it. This thread can be closed now.
  25. Thanks for that. One of the best post I've seen on here for a good few days.
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