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  1. Pathetic! First half shocking but eclipsed by the second. The very minimum you expect to see is some effort and passion. You can be excused for a lack of ability but without the above it just becomes gutless. That was embarrassing today, apathy has set in and we are so out of our depth its frightening
  2. Would love to know how the half time team talk went. Did the players decide to down tools after what they heard from the manager, or did the manager set the tone by saying lets just settle for a 0-2 rather than going and giving it a go. The manager is clearly not up to the task but judging by the second half display or are the players, they were truly pathetic and a embarrassment to the shirt.
  3. Was at that game, absolutely poured down on the open terrace. Stood at the top of the terrace and when you looked over the top you could see the open toilets with a tin roof that was half missing, they don't build them like that any more...great away day and yep pretty sure we went top that day.
  4. we did once, FA Cup many years ago on a Sunday afternoon and it was a live game on the TV... We had 10000 fans crammed in to the away end and I will never forget a saints fan throwing a live chicken on to the pitch in the 2nd half... god only know's why the bloke brought the chicken to the game, but then why not throw it on until the second half
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