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About Mewsta

  • Birthday 20/05/1983

Mewsta's Achievements

  1. They're in the Chapel mate, Block 19 Row KK
  2. Oh sh*t yea!!! Just drop me an email.... craig.mew@gmx.com
  3. Hello everyone, I purchased these tickets for a friend that can't now make the game. Only looking for face value and I can meet to drop them off etc.... Drop me a DM if you're interested in them..... Cheers
  4. I was told to take my ticket down and with a move confirmation email I have.... I still haven't received my ticket in the post and they're on general sale tomorrow... I'll be slightly ****ed if I'm unable to move now!
  5. They weren't telling them to stop singing, they were telling them to stop abusing others that weren't singing. Singing is never an issue... when they start calling people c*nts for not singing, repeatedly week in week out it gets a bit much. They needed knocking down a peg or two!
  6. Mewsta

    Billy Sharp

    That's what I'll be wearing!
  7. Mewsta

    Palace tickets

    Sorry to hijack this thread, I'm still looking for a ticket if anyone has one spare? Thanks
  8. Anyone got one going spare? Let me know please!
  9. I love it when homeless drunks find a pound piece and an internet cafe..... go away you sad person and get yourself a life and a job!
  10. My friend thought that a Bounty was made of Rice, A hampster was part of the bear family and that Egypt was in Europe................ He's no longer my friend!!
  11. Mewsta

    Dean Hammond

    What a w*nker for starting a thread like this! Complete cock jockey!
  12. Mewsta

    Aaron Martin

    What a strange quote! You sound like the bloke stood next to me shouting for David Connelly to be sold because he's ****!!! The guy will get better with games... when's he had a decent run in the side?? NEVER! Give him a few games and watch him flourish! He wouldn't have been offered a contract extension if he wasn't good enough to play in this league! The guy used to play alongside Smalling of Man U..... That says a few things IMHO! He's better than a lot of people think!!! I seriously wonder about some of our fans sometimes! Get a grip!!
  13. I thought he was good to be fair!!! I don't believe running on the pitch was his choice.... there was a guy in a suit with him most of the time instructing him to do it! Give him a chance.... Dennis is ****e... out of time with singing and clapping and to be fair when he shouts come on you saints, I just want to curl up and die!!! How cringeworthy!!!
  14. Never used it, but had a look about and this looks pretty decent... you can get a 30 day trial too.... http://www.softalkltd.com/products/workgroupshare/
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