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Everything posted by Joneth

  1. Sorry if this is me being thick. How do I know if im on the database? I always pay on the day by card, will I be on it?
  2. Spot on, this is whats happening imo. They are so f****d.
  3. Those mean nasty bailiffs even took Peter's last glass of champagne.
  4. Yeah, this is where I am at the moment. I feel for their fans to be honest, the skates I know are alright and its not really fair to tar the majority with the same brush as TCWTB, but the things that that club are doing and are getting away with sickens me. The club deserves nothing except total annihilation. Whatever happens after that the fans will still end up with a club to support. They may even find supporting a team from BlueSquare back up to their natural L1 level is more satisfying than whats happening now.
  5. How about a "Sgt Pompey's Lonely Skates Club Band" pic Pancake? Last years effort was quality.
  6. When is he signing for Chelsea?
  7. Get in!!! Revenge! They won't fancy playing us at all! Could be the last south coast derby.
  8. Mike Williamson - £3m Not playing him and then trying to sell him 6 months later for -£250k - Priceless There are some things money cant buy For everything else there's PompeyCard
  9. Well pretty soon there won't be any pompey fans anyway, they'll be chelski, citeh.....probably find there's suddenly a few new saints fans on the other side of the hamble. Just be sticking it to the man then.
  10. haiku? Who cares anyway? Makes perfect sense, why would we bother having enough stewards for a 30k crowd when most of the time we only get about 20k? When we do get the occasional big crowd we just borrow a few stewards from other clubs. Does it really affect your enjoyment at a game that much if a pompey fan is telling you to sit down instead of a Saints fan? What difference does it make?
  11. I used to work with one of the head stewards and she used to have to go to fratton every so often. I doubt she needs to now, surely 3 stewards would be enough these days?
  12. As much as I really don't like Reading, i was well chuffed for them they deserved it. Cant believe McAnuff fluffed his chance after that run. There's no chance they'll be anywhere near relegation if they play like that. Liverpool are going downhill fast, if Torres left they'd be a bottom half team. In fact with their financial problems and being stuck with Rafa, im half tempted to bet that we'll be a league above within 5 years.
  13. "We are probably one of the only clubs in the world which doesn't owe a penny to any bank." Awww he thinks he's saints!
  14. Difficult to pick a keeper as there's nobody who looked totally rubbish, people have mentioned Blayney but have you forgotten the stunning point blank save from a shearer header against newcastle? Defense is easier - Hajto Jakobsson Davenport Bernard Midfield of - McCann Sarmiento Folly Nillson Strikers - Anyone remember Eric Hassli? And how about Dani Rodrigues?
  15. Welcome Finance wouldn't even touch them
  16. The smurfs one is brilliant. Would be hilarious if that got going!
  17. I went to Bilbao v Valencia last year. That was something else, the Basques are mental, 40 odd thousand people all jumping up and down for 90 mins. They did win 5-1 mind you so it's not surprising they were in good spirits.
  18. So that covers where he's been. Where is he now? CHDAJFU?
  19. When the Skates play Spurs I probably just about want pompey to win. I only know a couple of pompey fans but I know loads of arrogant ***t spurs fans, so I take great pleasure in seeing them lose. I've hated spurs since as long as I've followed football, purely because of the people that support them. The Richards/Hoddle thing just confirmed that the arrogant t0ss3r syndrome extends to the spurs board as well.
  20. I remember him blocking a shot with his face once, don't think he ever did much else for us though.
  21. I dont think this can happen anyway? We've already scored more than them so if we assume we are going to beat them they cant catch us..
  22. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mukesh_Ambani seems he owns the Indian Premier (cricket) League amoungst other things. Just what saints need..our own league!
  23. To say something is outside the laws of physics demands a far bigger explanation than the laws of physics themselves. Saying God is outside of the universe doesnt make any sense to me. Its a statement that has no context. The universe is as far as im concerned, the largest (if not infinite) vessel for holding matter, if something is outside the universe then the universe is no longer a....universe. If you get where im going with this! Existance of God aside, Religion as a whole doesnt offer anything positive for me compared with a a basic understanding of cosmology and more particularly the intricacies of evolutionary biology. Fair enough for people to have beliefs however I would be much more satisfied if people made the effort to examine the implications of a range of ideas rather than unquestioningly following what they were brought up to believe. Fair play to the bus driver but he has come across pretty gutless over this. If he wants object, do it properly!
  24. So how does God solve the problem? Its an infinite regress and as soon as you invoke a creator you beg the question of its own origin. I dont know what the origin of everything is but that isnt an excuse to just say 'its God' and be done with it. There is a better answer available.
  25. I have neither the time or literary ability to explain in complete detail exactly why the idea of 'God' is almost certainly a total fallacy. I will just recommend that everyone reads Richard Dawkins 'The God Delusion'.
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