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Everything posted by Larrylove

  1. Wish they'd just put us out of our misery and announce Koeman?
  2. Latest twitter rumour,Kenny Jackett ,please no!!
  3. Anyone got the offending item yet? Would love to know what the fuss is all about!!
  4. It's fair to point out we've always had a good youth set up,Lowe liked to take credit for it but it was here long before him,as for Cortese i'm a big fan and he's just trying to up the bar with the academy and most importantly hold onto the product we produce.
  5. As someone who does'nt come on here that often,what is the ITK and MLT info that's mentioned above??
  6. Once again a complete OTT reaction about a percieved slight from NC about a former player,as many have pointed out,we wore black armbands were involved in the tribute at the weekend and i'm sure if we had been at home on saturday or for the Walsall game we would have had the silence/applause.
  7. Cortese said if you hear nothing from the club then don't worry,i've heard nothing yet and hope it stays that way.Also the family are worth a shed load of money,we are nothing in the great scheme of things,a little indulgence for Marcus,long may it continue
  8. My wife was one of the nurses who showed them round,she had Nigel Adkins,Wilkins etc in her group,couldn't have been more impressed with Nige,ultra positive,has promised to put another project of the childrens dept as one of the millenium projects of the club,got the players to get their wallets out for another whip round and got another couple of hundred for the ward,and the stockings they handed out were filled with lots of good quality toys for the kids.Top day for the kid's,thanks SFC.
  9. A young Don Corleone at the end of part one when Kay his wife see's the capo's pledging their loyalty to him! And yeah top man in my opinion.
  10. Larrylove


    Strangely enough my first home game on my own when I was about 15 if my memory serves me right was in about '85 midweek against Shrewsbury,littlewoods cup.We won 1.0 penalty can't remember who scored it.Any way from the Milton Road end you could see this man mountain in the Archers,anyway I had the mis fortune to walk past him at the train station with my mates ,3 or 4 of them and he gave me a right hander,my mates scattered but luckily that was the end of it.Never really put me off TBF,but I understand your concerns,I think it's best to let them go young-ish to gather some smarts in these situations.
  11. ?????????????
  12. T W A T very wrong indeed,in Nigel we trust
  13. What has poor Aaron Martin done? Thought he looked very promising.
  14. Sounds plausible,but who knows.At the end of the day we will only find out what Cortese wants us to know,nothing!!
  15. can't really moan at that,well played NC,onward and upward!!
  16. I pray your right mate,wish I shared your optimism! Still think we'll just miss out though.
  17. I really hope he stay's but why can't he just come out and say he's not interested if he wants to stay? Or NC come out and say he's going nowhere,therefore putting the onus on Pard's to say he's staying,all this no comment bollixs does my head in!
  18. Completely agree with that,top post,'nuff said.
  19. Same here,I can't see too many bad decisions so far,onward and upward!
  20. This was why I really didn't want this draw,any other Prem side but not those c u n t s
  21. Hate to say it but they'll do us 2-1,heart says a last minute Steve Moran-esque winner!!
  22. I'll get me coat!!!
  23. Portsmouth Chief Executive Peter Storrie meets with Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs about the clubs outstanding Tax Bill.The Officer tells him - I am going to let you off with the £11.5m taxbill you owe as I am a great admirer of Pompy and I think they are a fantastic club.Storrie in a startled manner replies - Really......?To which the Officer says - No, I am winding you up
  24. I once answered the call of nature next to Jason Dodd at Matty's old club,and no I never had a quick peep!!
  25. Seems that because i've got sky broadband,everythings blocked!!
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