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Armitage Shanks

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Everything posted by Armitage Shanks

  1. 8 hours is nothing. I was once involved in a mediation that took 16 hours a day for 5 weeks, Saturdays and Sundays until we reached a resolution that all parties were happy with. This is taking the same kind of length of time. The deal has to be absolutely spot on.
  2. I'm afraid that people on here have just got to try and understand all of the legal and financial technicalities that go on behind the scenes in a deal of this size. Mr Fry has more important things to do than make continual press statements to make some of the numptys on here feel a bit better.
  3. Landford - I think that's exactly what it means. They couldn't get a buyer for the shares and they are not part of any deal. This probably means that a deal for the other assets has been agreed and we will hear something very shortly.
  4. Pancake my friend, is also not a cake be it the human version or the batter (I just said batter) cooked in a pan
  5. With all the plumber gags there can only be one new chairman and that's me - Armitage Shanks
  6. see attached link http://business.timesonline.co.uk/tol/business/industry_sectors/banking_and_finance/article6159753.ece
  7. see this from 2007 http://www.bbc.co.uk/wiltshire/content/articles/2007/07/11/stfc_110707_feature.shtml
  8. Derry - as I said yesterday evening, I'm willing to give free legal advice if you require it. I see that Paris Randall are happy to be involved, and they are a decent firm, but you want to ensure that this work is done pro bono (i.e. free !). The last thing we want is for fans to donate hard earned cash to end up in the pockets of lawyers. I would be happy to be involved in terms of reviewing contracts, paperwork, giving company advice etc, if you need it. Please pm me if you want some help and I can let you have a mobile number.
  9. The Administrator is under a duty to maximise the assets to pay off creditors but they would also listen to any viable offers if it meant money in the bank. It would easily be possible for a fans group who came up with a few million to buy the club. The problem is finding the few million and a small board of people who know what they're doing to take it forward. I'm offering my expertise as a lawyer to do what I can to help - no charge of course. Not often you hear that from a lawyer !
  10. I should add to this that I would also put some time into it. I'm a partner at a Midlands law firm so could probably add something to the party
  11. I would put in £5k if I was confident it was being done properly
  12. I stopped going when Lowe returned. Won't be back until he goes. It's the only way to rid the club of him. Attendances need to fall below 10k for several games in a row and then he will go. He understands money and greed and nothing else. Cut off his source of funds and he goes
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