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Everything posted by maltasaints

  1. Oh dear, was to be expected i suppose. Very sad day for SFC. Now lets hope we get the -10 this season, get rid of that shower of ****, Get a buyer in and start a fresh new season. Come on fellow fans were SFC the pride of the south WE WILL BE BACK
  2. F**k it, we deserve to go down and finally get rid of this shower of **** who call themselves players, w*****s.
  3. IOWS tks for that mate it worked. Oh ffs as soon as it comes on they score Friggin typical boo f*****g hoo
  4. Oh no it doesnt,
  5. Oh come on and score FFS saints, getting really harassed now. COYR
  6. Is Matt le god at the ground??? and whats the official attendance??
  7. Man Utd at the dell 1985 we lost 1-0 didnt see the goal as dad left 5 min early to avoid the crush.
  8. I've been in favour of this for years. If i perform badly at work i get a bollocking or pay deducted if it effect our business finacially. So if a player plays **** why doesnt he get any deduction, it would make him come back stronger and fight to get a better salary, No??? Too much player power me thinks
  9. If we get away with it i dont give a monkeyS left bollock to what any other club/Fans think, they would'nt flinch if they were in the same situation. F**K em all it will make beating them if we stay up and get a proper investor in even sweeter. COYR
  10. any video of it anywhere i've tried everywhere and cant find anything. tks
  11. Sky is like 4 minutes behind there a pile of poo as well, Cant even listen to my bloody team anymore ffs. COYR
  12. did everyone just die, come on i need updates im crappin myself here
  13. I have a feeling nothing will come out today and it will take a few more weeks too find out exactly how screwed we are. In the mean time we'll probably loose 3 of the remaining games so were buggered no matter what. I guess the only thing we can hope is not too be hit with too much of a penalty next season. More than anything i'm pooing myself more about the takeover than any of the above. coyr
  14. I guess this is Southampton FC. not really much to say feel a bit sick really, now just wait till tuesday and see what happens . Most important thing to me is the club too be honest whether its championship or div 1 as long as we get investors i cant really see it getting much worst. And please people stop bloody mentioning Glenn f****g Hoddle. Saints till i die
  15. any one got any commentry links for someone not in the UK?? COYR Regards from Malta
  16. This is so damn depressing. I had a glimmer of hope in summer that things might just turn out ok, god was i wrong. Something has too happen or were gonna be well and truly f*****d by feb.
  17. http://livetv.ru/en/eventinfo/15689/ this works choose the Guangdong sports it works fine guys. coyr ffs.
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